
The bible is very clear when in alert for a life of wisdom and a good exploitation of our days. How you have used your day? It has been exaustos tiring days and most of the time you do not obtain to decide everything that had to decide? Or you have had success in everything and the time has not lacked, you it feels yourself carried through and still with free time to adore the God. Which of these is yours respota …… REFLECTS Therefore very, I took years well to learn that the organization has that to be a daily task, after all when everything is accumulated is each more difficult time of finding in them. At some future date everybody belongs to the God this knows, and that he is well clearly that God is in favor of the organization, as it will be able to help you if nor you know for where to start. Let us remember to us of the history of the coffer of Noah, everything was directed by God, the height, the width, the type of log, the bitumen the compartments the thick partition walls among other instrue. As we can see existed a planning and everything was made to its time; it only needed somebody to believe and to organize. The bedding of the land, the creation of the world also had a planning, as God had to be able to create everything in day the same, because he delayed 6 days for you make it? You already stopped to analizar this? In the truth oque we can extract for the life of today with this teaching is that, does not agree in them to botar the feet for the hands, so that to be afobados, to want resulted immediate, we wait nine months to be born or pra to give to the light this in the lack to understand that everything has its time, the day to day running has in the blinded ones in the stolen time, the time to love our spouse our children, of looking at for our next one and until time for we ourselves.

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