Stefan Morsch Foundation

And yet something showing the statistics: not only that women are becoming rarer and rarer as a donor can be selected. Women with more than two pregnancies have a vanishingly small proportion in the Stammzellspenderstatistik. Sieglinde Wolf, head of the sampling station (Apheresis) at the Stefan Morsch Foundation, knows why: “antibodies can be made In the context of pregnancy, which can endanger the success of transplantation after today’s level of knowledge. Therefore the transplant clinics only select women with more than two pregnancies, if otherwise no other donors to choose.” Emil Morsch regrets: we know that women and especially mothers, are highly motivated donors. However, the fact is: you are the worse donor. Therefore we must ask women with more than two pregnancies in the future to contribute to the costs of typing, we fund from donations.” A concern is the expansion of the network of cooperation that has been quietly building the Foundation the Foundation Chairmen. For several years, the Foundation directly in the barracks in whole Germany clears young soldiers about the topic Rising up: nearly half of the 350 typing actions took place in cooperation with the German armed forces. And 54 percent of all donors in 2013 newly typed more than 9000 are members of the Bundeswehr.

This long-term cooperation is noticeable in the donor statistics: of the more than 600 people who 2013 have given the opportunity to heal a people as unrelated, 227 men and women who were registered with Bundeswehr typing were. For 2014 already the first joint appointments with the blood transfusion service of the Bundeswehr are on”, so Emil Morsch. “The founder but also refers to further cooperation, which is only started and successfully ran in 2013: the Stefan Morsch Foundation with the blood transfusion service West offers typing.” In North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland, and Rhineland-Palatinate blood donors in the DRC in the donor file of the Stefan Morsch Foundation can be entered. Almost 1400 new potential marrow are already a member in the team of the Lifesaver of Birkenfeld so end of 2013 Stammzellspenderdatei become common blood donation and typing actions (see dates below). To inform young people about the opportunities of the registry, rotten still sees as a central task of all German donor centers. Therefore many typing actions in schools, universities and training companies were organized in the past year these contacts should be further expanded. Emil Morsch: social commitment today is an important factor in the selection of their staff for many businesses.

How could you more dedicated as a completely stranger to give terminally ill people a chance at life as a young, healthy man?” What is marrow? In principle any healthy adult can register. Information about exclusion can be read on the website of the Stefan Morsch Foundation ( One also finds the current dates for the typing actions of the Stefan Morsch Foundation on the website. In addition, there is the To register option on the homepage of also available online. Via the online registration “button on the home page you can is starting a inform, fill out the consent form, and is a collection set to send the oral mucosa either for a small blood sample or a swab. In the Pack, the appropriate material is to his GP to remove a blood sample or cheek swab to perform. This packet is then sent back to the Stefan Morsch Foundation. If you have any questions regarding the exclusion criteria, simply call our toll-free hotline (08 00-766 77 24) at.

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