Alexander People

Usually, he does his service at the Panzerbatallion 104 in the Oberpfalz barracks in Pfreimd. He did his military service in Willow 2011. Then he let typify themselves by the Stefan Morsch Foundation. Teams of the Stefan Morsch Foundation in whole Germany are traveling almost daily to win young soldiers as unrelated. More than 3500 members of the Bundeswehr in the donor file could be recorded in the first half of 2013. People who have declared themselves ready in an emergency for a leukemia patient People to donate stem cells and to give the chance of a cure to the patient. “People like Alexander G.: I thought that is a great thing.” Less than a year later he was needed. More than 10,000 people annually suffer from this disease in Germany alone.

When chemotherapy and radiation do not help, just a stem cell transplant can help. Through them, a new red system is implanted patients. To do this, the patient but needs a donor whose tissue characteristics correspond as far as possible with your own. Then searches for a genetic twin. More than 20 million people are registered in the bone marrow and Stammzellspenderdateien as the Stefan Morsch Foundation and yet it is still a fluke when a matching donor is found for a patient.

Alexander G. is the appropriate genetic twin for an Australian patient. He knows nothing about the woman whether she is young or old, whether she has children, is rich or poor. It doesn’t matter to him. In January 2012, the young soldier Stammzellzellen gives: With the transplantation of stem cells, the patient gets a new red system. These stem cells are located in the bone marrow. There are two ways to transfer them: the removal of bone marrow on the iliac Crest never from the spinal cord. Or the removal of peripheral blood stem cells from the blood similar to dialysis.

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