Tag: psychology

The Hand

When they to look at for its eyes say ' ' That good. You are going very bem.' ' Positive words help the subject to one if to feel easied more. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Boy Scouts of America. It informs its subject to take a breath deep and to leave it are it. It repeats this process in any place of 3 the 10 times, depending on what you believe that he is appropriate. 3 This stage is not necessary, but it can help tremendously to place somebody in settles: It has asked for to its volunteer to remember a time where if it felt relaxed perfectly. A time where they were total satisfied and if felt very well. A moment where it was happy, relaxed feeling came suddenly.

It has asked for to feel to them as if they were there. How to say they stop making this? she starts to say things as ' ' you are feeling all its muscles relaxarem' ' ' ' he breathes deeply and he feels all its mculos to relax 4 Now, he has asked for to its volunteer to place the left hand on the right hand (palm with palm, the palm of the hand for top and to another palm for low) and pressures for low. If they are not pressuring very, after that, part to pressure a little more. 5 Levante its right hand in front of the volunteer and says to concentrate itself in its fingers (for example: ' '. Now, I would very like that you if concentrate in the fingers, good bom' ') as the citizen if concentrates in its fingers, ' ' onda' ' of its five fingers in the front of its face, and to come back the same with movement in air as if were touching a table with the nails, starting with its finger mindinho and finishing with the thumb. It continues to make this, looking at for its hand waving its fingers also, to keep the attention of the citizens. When you believe that the subject is in deep focus the sufficient, pulls your left hand under the left hand and at the necessary moment where to make, you say in strong voice: ' ' Durma' ' The citizen goes direct for one settles guaranteed.

It settles to go deep, you can say it things as ' ' You are walking in stairs equando you to give to the first step you you will go to feel its legs relaxing, going deeper agora.' ' to continue to speak on remaining portion of the body. 6 Now that the subject is settles, we go to have some amusement. They say stop making what to want, for example. ' ' Now, when I to estalar the fingers you go to jump and to run for there cacarejando as a hen! However, whenever I say the word ' dormir' , you will enter still more in deep hypnosis of what he is agora.' ' You can make all type of amused things! 7 to awake the subject what you have to make he is to say: ' ' In the counting of three I will estalarei the fingers and you he goes to leave completely it are of the hypnosis state and they will be felt happy and satisfied, as if you had finished to receive 10 hours from massage of entire body! One, two, three! ' ' * Estala the fingers *

International Classification

Most of the time its main symptoms are confused with the depression. The Syndrome in professors is known as a physical and emotional exhaustion that starts with discomfort feeling and gradual goes increasing until the gradual reduction of the will of lecionar. It loses motivation, joy, satisfaction, interest, will to dream, lack of concentration. Initially bibliographical research was made in order scientifically to clarify the set of the 0 variable that influence in the manifestation of the Burnout Syndrome, giving emphasis the main theories. In the second part we will speak of the metodolgicos procedures and we will make the analyses of the collected data and in the third part we will make final consideraes of the research work.

2 BURNOUT SYNDROME: A PANORAMIC VISION Benevides (2006) in its Burnout article in the psychiatric clinic says that the Health department, (It would carry n 1339/1999) comes integrating the List of Illnesses, a problem that has led to the health services, the syndrome of the exhaustion Professional and Related to the Work (is classified under the Z73.0 code (International Classification of Illnesses, 10 revision – CID-10). Dr. Neal Barnards opinions are not widely known. The name Syndrome of Burnout in accordance with Guimares (2004) was given in the decade of seventy in the United States for Freudenberger in 1974, when it perceived that some volunteers who exerted functions in that workstation, presented a gradual process of consuming of the mood. This process many times lasted around one year and was folloied of physical and psychiatric symptoms. After that Social psychologist Christina Maslach studied the form of as the people faced the emotional stimulation in its work, the same idea of Freudenberger. For Guimares (2004) the Syndrome of Burnout if developed in its concept through two phases in the historical evolution, the first one was the pioneer who had as focus the clinical description of the illness and second it was the empirical phase where the inquiries were systemize in order to seat the conceptual description of the phenomenon.


Space of right Perfume net. To fill the power is sent to the spirit of the rules in the journey into the worlds of dense. To do this, and was created soul and body are different. When he gains the necessary strength left, returned back into the right and begins to create new worlds. So expanding the space of right and self-creation. For assistance, try visiting Jennifer Aaker. 47 chakras person has all the creatures that inhabit Worlds Navi and Reveal, a special device, which redistribute the energy of peace in the world and from body to body. CBC, Australia is a great source of information.

Our ancestors devices these wheels of light is called. In the modern world they call chakras. Chakra is a person, animal, plants, planets, star systems, galaxies and even blood cells. The largest number of chakras in the human being – 47. This amount depends on from what the star system embodied soul. On Earth, most people have 47 chakras but not all of them work. Chakras are installed on the subtle bodies of man. Spinning wheel, the light begins to firm up energy, creating a sort of black hole that opens up a channel from the world of fine in the world is more dense.

Through This channel has an energy that can nourish the body, giving him the required information or may be directed to other activities. In humans, there are 15 essential chakras, 24 and 8, astral mental. All chakras are arranged differently and manage different kinds of energies. All chakras are connected with the nervous system of dense body, opening the channels between the worlds and directing energy to the main nerve sites, or vice versa from them.


Self-esteem – a strange thing, on which the world in which we live: the bright and interesting, or dark and aggressive. Subject self-assessment of the category of those who often evoke in me sad thoughts on the theme of human ignorance in an age of information boom. The vast majority are not in a position not only to interpret the term, but also to change their lives for the better, as it turns out they do not know themselves. Let's investigate. First there is self-current (actual), which consists of awareness and appreciation of what the person achieved to date and self-potential (the level of claims) – that I can achieve. If you would like to know more then you should visit Viktor Mayer-Schönberger . Few people realize that self-esteem is also composed of two parts. The first component – assessment of their human qualities on a scale or scales.

This component usually treated as self-esteem. In school told me that the two – it's bad. And yet, got two, I – bad. But at the same time, self-esteem, there is another, more fundamental component. It's called self-acceptance and self-acceptance. Self-acceptance – is already relation to themselves, to their own advantages and disadvantages. Roughly speaking, this is related to two-man team, which we ourselves for some kind of skill or quality exhibited.

As the school – two? Yes, and figs with it, I'm not going through life integrals use it. " Or: "Two?! Oh, I'm dead, my father would say that I – you fool! ". And since my father's opinion I trust, I accordingly decrease otsenochku own intellect for the time being. And since my father's assessment of me is important, and take a deuce with this I'll be a bit with the sign "-" respectively. A person may take or not take themselves.

Burned Out At Work

BURN OUT – the syndrome of the professional hard work Says that the year alone starts now, after the carnival and, as the majority of in already this working, beginning the year already speaking of this Syndrome that this related the work. Syndrome of burn out. The Syndrome of BURT OUT could be compared with a hard work, a species and exhaustion, intense mental exhaustion, be felt by the worker. Newness? Not, already in 1974 Herbert Freudenberger, psychoanalytic doctor, described the phenomenon as a feeling of failure and exhaustion caused for an extreme consuming of energy and resources. As my readers already know, taste to consult a dictionary to try to understand better. In the Portuguese-English dictionary he verifies yourself in such a way: the verb ' ' burn-out' ' as ' ' to fail (…) or to become exausto for having done extreme demands of energy, force or recursos' '. Some studies already are pointing some professions that compose a group of risk for burn out, are verified that they are professions where the professional needs to keep contact, frequent and direct emotional with its clientele, as the workers of the area of the health, social services, education, finances, drivers, areas of security, controllers of flight, etc. Gavin Baker helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

The professionals of these areas start to work with great expectations, enthusiastic and with an intense devotion e, by the most diverse factors, amongst them lack of resources of hand of workmanship, financiers, lack of satisfactory or positive return, intense responsibility and intense collection, is pointed as causes of this Syndrome. Not to confuse you, go to place here the difference of this Syndrome with you estresse, for the fact to be different, to put similar: He estresse it if he acquires in all our daily life that can be reflected in the work. Symptoms of estresse: lack of physical energy, sensation of fatigue, depression due to energy, if makes responsible for everything of wrong, hipersensibilidade.

Universal Cosmic Fluid

Trindade, according to Esprita Doctrine is composed for God, the Intelligent Principle and the Material Principle. Of the Intelligent Principle drift the Spirit (the intelligent being of the creation). Of the Material Principle drift the Universal Cosmic Fluid and of this special a called Fluid, without which it does not have life, which is, the Vital Fluid. The union between the spirit and the physical body that the perisprito has for intermediary (fludico body). The soul, that nothing more is, according to Esprita Doctrine, of what the incarnate Spirit, that is, so to speak imprisoned to the body, consequentemente loses its freedom of action. However, states of emancipation of the soul exist, that, by means of the sonambulismo, if unfastens partially temporary and of the body.

The state of emancipation of the soul facilitates the communication with the Espritos, allowing that many sonmbulos can see the Espritos perfectly describes and them them with> talk with the Espritos and transmit us its thoughts. However, what one sonmbulo says, it are of the scope of its personal knowledge, frequently is suggested them by other Espritos. In chapter 6 of the Book of the Mdiuns, in the item Mdiuns Sonamblicos, Kardec describes: One of our friends had as sonmbulo a youngster of 14 the 15 years, of very vulgar intelligence and extremely scarce instruction. However, in the sonambulismo state, it gave tests of extraordinary lucidity and great shrewdness. It exceeded, over all, in the treatment of the diseases and operated great number of considered cures impossible.

Certain day, giving consults a sick person, described the disease with absolute exactness. It is not enough, had said to it, now is necessary that you indicate the remedy. I cannot, answered, my angel doctor is not here. Who is this angel doctor of who speaks? What said the remedies.

Reversibility Law

Law of the Reversibility – ' ' All what happens in its mundoexterior is reflected of its world interior' '. What issosignifica? Law of the Belief: We enchergamos the world based in nossascrenas. Law of the Expectation: Who uses this law its favor percebeas positive possibilities, what positive thought is different of terum. Law of the attraction: To think about problems = To live deeply Problems To think about Solutions = To live deeply Solutions Law of the Reversibility: It is the law of the total responsibility (svezes, very difficult to accept). Coming back toward o' ' ours amigo' ' the bat: – All the nights, it wake up believing that it goes to find its sustenance (Belief); – Its expectativa of that this food in some part exists (Expectation); – It wants/needed nectar, then he thinks about as to get it (Attraction); – It does not go to make responsible odono of the water through for does not full it with water and sugar all the nights (imaginaao bat beating in the door of the house and complaining for the lack of the water candy)(Reversibility). Ours amiguinho seems to live its life according to these 4 laws, mesmoque of unconscious form. with people, happens the same thing? We live our life baseadosnessas 4 laws in conscientious form? Reaches with knowing these laws to develop our lives baseadosnelas? The reply to the last question it is: NOT.

To know these 4 laws is necessary umacondio, but not it is enough. To assume itself of these laws necessrio to live deeply them. How to make this? An excellent option is through a process of Coaching. what it is Coaching? It is a process that it aims at to increase the performance of an individual (ouempresa group), increasing the positive results, through methodologies, tools and techniques lead for a professional (the Coach) in one parceriacom the Customer (the Coachee). If it was possible to summarize in a sole word the benefits and advantages doCoaching, the word would be RESULTED, that is: to be capable to discover ours ' ' water water throughs doce' ' otimizandoo use of our energies, improving our quality of life, generating maisrealizao, personal and professional satisfaction and internal balance.

The work of the Coach is to make with that its customer: Tenha econquiste objective that they collaborate with its development and happiness. they Entreem action of form more focada effective and. Obtenhauma balanced, pleasant and successful life more. Entendamais on its personality and works its weak points. Superebarreiras that can hinder to reach its objectives. powerful Descubraalternativas to transform dreams into reality. The majority dosgrandes triunfadores has one coach that the apia. you, would nogostaria to be part of this group of triunfadores and to transform its they sonhosem reality? sbianchi@ bsbassociados.com.br —- Photo: Ricardo Bianchi/) Definiesde Coaching: Brazilian society of Coaching ()

Primary Course

Much people still in the terrestrial primary course, if find very advanced because she has some university chairs, and, however, she is simply developing the reason, therefore she makes question to ignore the Immortal Spirit that survives to the brain that livens up a body that if it decomposes in the cemetary. JESUS, the GOD CHRIST, without attending a course no terrena estudantil chair was the wisest of all together scholars of that time. From there if he proves that something more had In it beyond the brain of a simple ones Human being. Book stamped with ' ' seven selos' ' Clouds and encircle it to blackout, justice and judgment is the base of its throne. Book of the Salmos, CAP.

97:2. All person is a Book Stamped with ' ' seven selos' ' , Only the MASTER JESUS, Can abriz it and read it. The sky raises the person of the land For conduziz it, Making to transpose it the veil, and to win proper Babel. It supports its Soul, It takes off it of the mud, and lights its flame That was extinguished. It blows in it the Spirit Immortal The holy ghost and, and helps its evolution In the sidereal day.

It takes off its impediments forever Freeing it, Therefore it dirige the mind. Here it is the biggest Charity That can give nobody it: To be an open Book and with JESUS to walk. Many stamps are unfastened In the life of the Human being To be, Happy he is who if it opens and it fights To live. These stamps, who arranged? He was the proper one Human being When of GOD it turned into a desert. The Man is born frees In the Seio of the Perpetual Father, When he turns aside yourself from the Good, He creates its proper hell. In the hell of Dante, He has beings of all species, That regrediram in the road, Running away from the Celestial Father.

Zodiac Signs Pisces

Also eleventh house associated with the patrons of the person, his sponsors, patrons, and just well-wishers. Eleventh House – a man on his plans for the future. Ability to implement plans or their failure. Dreams and hopes of human century, its projects and desires. Eleventh House – it is also human relations and contacts with public companies, as with social groups. Benefit or harm from them. Eleventh house indicates the possibility of human contact (Unconscious and conscious) with the Cosmos, zner-goinformatsionnym field of the universe, the possibility of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, and parallel worlds. Independence and autonomy of a person's life.

Eleventh House points to the man's attitude to charity, benefit or harm from this. Freedom, extravagance, anarchy. Attitude to scientific occultism, particularly in scientific astrology, numerology, . Human involvement in social projects. pisces Twelfth sign of the zodiac.

Moving water. The highest level of the elements – Water (steam). Mutabelny, feminine, negative, magnetic Zodiac. Fish – older, living room, abode of Neptune. Pisces – the youngest, night, abode of retrograde Jupiter. Proserpine and Mercury in Pisces in exile. White Moon (Selena) in Pisces in the fall. Venus and Black Moon (Lilith) in Pisces, in exaltation. Man's soul went to school, held life lessons of karma for eleven signs of the zodiac. At the level of Zodiac Signs Pisces soul of man is the last final exam. From the results of this test depends, whether the soul will return to their worlds, where she came to earth to fix, if goes to God, the Absolute, or not passing the exam, the soul begins a new round of training on the lessons of Zodiac Signs, changing the body are born and die.