Tag: culture

“Angel Falls (Seraphim Falls, 2006 )

Today's article is devoted to "Angel Falls (Seraphim Falls, 2006) and continues the good tradition of stories about strong films. Recently I was talking about the prepared premiere 'You must kill', about the film "On the Verge" and, of course, "Pushed", which links to permeate my entire blog. Special search engine optimization would call it a competent relinking, but I live – every good movie brings me to another. That's what I call "not to waste time in empty". And then read the book, watch a movie and regret that he spent time on it.

On the film "Angel Falls" is to spend time. Do not pay attention to the modest rating in imdb 6 points. Reading my blog, you already know that the ranking of 6 can be to find such masterpieces that could have all 10 points. Prepare to be transported into the past, at times following the Civil War in the United States. This is a blood stain in the history of America, also known as the war between the North and South, left mark on the film's main characters.

To run the ex-captain of the Union Army Gideon? Why has it the former Confederate Army Col. Carver? Where will their confrontation? The answer will be brief: Unknown. We do very little know. But from the first frame ourselves in the shoes of a cornered. From the first frame we know the date – 1868 The year and place of action – the mountains of Ruby (Ruby Mountains) in northern Nevada.

Feodor Dobrovolsky

It is possible that in the near future, the existence of g Pestovo Novgorod region. know many Russians and visitors from around the world. Remarkably, learn, not because of any sports records, industrial or agricultural achievements, but only thanks to the cultural heritage of our ancestors. During one of his expeditions staff found in Village Votrosa noteworthy house. Time of its construction belongs to the 70s of XIX century. Unusual from the standpoint of modern house building, its structure is consistent with the ancient canons of the craft. Cottage cut down without a single nail is composed of two half-summer and winter. The spacious basement storeroom were masters, and in winter – a haven for livestock.

Lower log crowns are now in a deplorable state, but from a distance in your eyes, immediately rush to the carved frames. The interior has not changed and come down to us intact, preserved loft, Russian stove, a loft and weight of household items made of wood, bark, ceramics and metal. NGOMZ leadership decided to buy a house Dobrovolsky (peasant Feodor Dobrovolsky – distant ancestor of the current owners). There is already a tentative agreement with the owners about selling it. Upcoming fall Museum experts will disassemble the structure, will transport it to the wooden architecture of the sanctuary 'Vitoslavlitsy', which is close to Novgorod, where it will again be collected and will take its place among the other exhibits, extant from time immemorial.

April Grandmother

Today, April 25 Grandma all night not sleeping, I did not know that this may disturb the old man. So it was scary and I quietly climbed up on a cold oven and a wing old guard. The morning of April 26. I woke up late as usual, in the village that something happened, something strange going on in the depths of the countryside could be heard shouting someone cried someone screaming. I ran over my grandmother in tears for some reason I started hugging and crying, the grandmother, I do not where I'm not going stay with you I said, but this woman Grunya more sobbing. Take me home began to collect my things, I looked tupya eyes and can not seem to understand where I collect. and so we sat shivering with knots on her knees at night when I dozed off came the big bus grandmother woke me and suddenly looked up with eyes, but said calmly I need to go, Mom I will. Imagine my fear in a 11-year take the bus with people in white coats.

Baba Grunya left and stand to accompany me on the bus were among children and 5 adults, and their faces were pale and frightened. AND Then I burst into tears as his hands and hit the bus door, a woman came silently hugged me and said that we are all going to the hospital where we find our parents and that the city no longer exists. Most likely, this woman was scared than me but held. I did not know what the worst thing for my childhood, I come. What will I see my grandmother in just one year where she died at the hospital that my favorite shot of Rex as half the dogs in the village. the fact that our village is not become. We were taken to a military hospital two days later mother came with her brother and sister, all the things that we had only managed to collect something that my grandmother and mother. .

Much has changed in our life, 10 years after my mother's brother died of the days stopped laughing, and was not our father. After the death of his brother, we went to our city wanted to find our house and found only what was left of him. I was surprised by one of our old walls of the room and now our record store where I beautifully spoil the new wallpaper on them by drawing houses. Many interesting, because they want to go to Chernobyl to see the streets deserted house. And I so want to forget everything but you can not just do not have a choice. It's part of my own.

Internet Businesses

Not necessarily to make businesses by Internet, is for " empresarios" with thousand companies. Finally everything has a principle, and nobody can deny that the great things arose from something small. When your you have interest, you have approach., and therefore the fruit of your interest will come! *3. – To look for information without supersaturating to us. In this time, I have seen as it is that the businesses by Internet, in fact are a very coarse subject, we can derrepente receive tons of information on the subject, but in truth is necessary always to be you allow of all the information to which we decided to expose itself. Nobody can receive one ton of weight on its head and take a walk calmly by the park as if nothing had happened. As well as in the common life, when we avoided the excesses is when in truth we managed to advance.

And in the businesses by Internet the same happens, the information must formarte and therefore; not sobresaturarte! *4. – Disernir between false and the true thing. Thus so what as makes the personnel takes care of who you in the window of a bank. They have been trained to recognize true tickets. If some false one were strained that way, of immediate this a would jump his seen, since that one ticket does not agree with the characteristics of a true ticket. In the same way, when deciding to make businesses by Internet you will be learning to disernir between false and the true one. Simply of entrance it is necessary to outside hechar the Chinese story of which you will be rich overnight when doing businesses by Internet. Simply we do enough when we so ignored that spent argument.

Nothing comes by magic art, but all profit comes as a result of everything a effort.! * 5. – Perseverar without desmayar. We see as well as it in an athlete, once the race has begun needs to maintain the rate of its step! It needs to run according to the distance that it has ahead. If it restrains its steps, simply it will happen enough: some of its companions will win. Also, to make businesses by Internet is as demanding as it is it a race for an athlete. All the effort that you print at first, must stay constant until the end! Of a time to the date I have seen examples of people who siemplemente have to me left of course truth: When assuming a challenge, you assume the challenge of perseverar and not desmayar! Hhaha I am arriving at the end of this my first article, and you will think: Everything comenzo with keys and I finish with a race, " and to tell the truth: that mezlca but so rare there am atrevio to publish! But in truth I am convinced of the intention of this and all post will be fulfilled not by the peculiarity of my examples, but by the value that can contribute all that one that it has decided to rise the boat and to begin to sail! Businesses by Internet are the vehicle, your you decide when it will be the principle of that route that hopes already! A hug very hard! Maggi Muoz Creative in Design Grfico and Emprendedora de Negocios by Internet. Original author and source of the article.