Month: December 2015


According to credited sources, they exist around 80,000 companies certified according to ISO 9001 in Spain. That without counting many of them they have that it implanted without to have obtained the certification, makes see the interest us that provokes between the industralists take refuging in this norm. Almost all the industralists are conscious that in a competitive market and like now also in crisis, the differentiation is an important point at the time of making business and of obtaining a positive result in order year. A form to be different itself from the rest is to add to value to our product or service by means of the voluntary implantation of a system of certifiable quality that demonstrates before our clients and suppliers that our company applies to methods of control and continuous improvement to its products and/or services. To that aspect we must add that applying the directives of noema ISO 9001, also we are going to obtain a substantial improvement in our methods of work obtaining in the majority of the cases a reduction in our benefit or production costs of services. But this it is subject in that we are not going to enter, since the objective of this article is to orient to the companies that are immersed in the implantation or to which they in the future think next the implantation of a quality system, as can be helped externally during the phase of implantation. Nowadays several aspects exist to consider when to undertake this implantation.

The fundamental ones are: A Have knowledge sufficient to only do it I? If he has the sufficient knowledge, can undertake the project by itself, on the contrary, he will require external aid. B I have the human resources to do it? He is fundamental to designate a person to realise this work. It thinks who but is adapted for it or even if you are same.

Sueno House

In general terms, if of increases of prices in all the scopes in the world it is possible that those countries that have an outstanding hierarchy of always being able at economic level will come out ahead, but most difficult it is to think about that this same situation considers in our country, where surely, the water would arrive at the neck until to somebody a miraculous idea is happened to him. Between dimes and diretes, is the great part of the adult population that it tries to turn the dream of the own house in fact, from its own effort and work, but it is this 100% possible one. In first instance we spoke of the economic factor, because it is enough with leafing through the pages of newspapers, or to enter the vestibules of Internet like knowing that the inflation, so far, has arrived to remain as what annoying relative, and nobody knows when it will go away, affecting of course, to the real estate heading. The problematic one not only affects the enterprise sector, where they are diminished the gains of each company, but also, which they look for to realise a personal business by means of the rented premises, or, to the pair just married that the urgent necessity sees come off itself the nest to begin to form its familiar independence, thus constructing, the own one underneath the ceiling so yearned for. Although some vestibules indicate, with percentage and everything, that have been increased the sales of the properties in these last months, in full a 36%, comparison with the year previous to national level, the reality seems to indicate that the inflation paralyzes to this one and all the actions and headings, although also, although many are those that they have been able to satisfy his desires, for other so many, the dream stays still only in the mind. It is enough with crossing the commercial zones of the city of Rosary like observing the numerous posters of rent or sale specifically distributed by the zones and commercial streets such as San Luis, Cordova, clear that it is possible to emphasize the different sectors from market from which each zone directly points tie at the spending power of the consumers and its social classes differentials, but despite, in spite of the inflation, others take care and the same work indeed to the compass of the pocket movement, reactivating themselves in a roundtrip, the economic circuit, and therefore, all the sectors that bet thus, to the investment, generating new projects. On the other hand, not to be discouraged because in spite of the hard times, " whenever it rained par" , and the economy like one same one, is moved, winning and losing, consequently, always there will be a house or department indicated for you, and you think at least it, will be yours. Reaching a final conclusion, the dream of the own house is possible to take it to the land of the reality, and in Guide of rosary you will be able informarte about the multiple supplies that will give faith of it, but like everything in the life, it will depend to a large extent on our possibilities and efforts, a pinch of inherited economic fortune, a good dose of personal luck, and mainly, to govern us by the economy of the country, the most complicated factor and necessary of all. Original author and source of the article.

Chinese Banks And Real Estate

The euro weakened today, in general terms concerns about the economy of Greece continues and there are rumors that German Chancellor Angela Merkel resign after being accused by her own Christian Democrats had not shown enough leadership, without But the German government immediately denied the rumors. The yen continues to strengthen following the concern that China’s banks are reducing real estate loans, and you are taking steps to alleviate growth. Oil and gold remain in a narrow range. On the economic calendar today we can see that the inflation data will be the main focus of traders. The PPI of Switzerland, which shows the producer price, rose to 0.1%. The consumer price of the euro area expected to be released like the previous data, therefore, there should be volatility in the market after this publication. The U.S. consumer price is expected to decrease from 0.4% to 0.2%, although the data Basic excluding food and automobiles, is expected to increase by 0.1%.

At 14:55 GMT, published the results of the survey on U.S. consumer sentiment, this figure is expected to increase from 72.5 to 73.8, which could strengthen the dollar. The weakened today on the market in general, the concern about the economy of Greece continues and there are rumors that German Chancellor Angela Merkel resign after being accused by her own Christian Democrats had not shown sufficient leadership however, the German government immediately denied the rumors. The following strengthened after concerns that China’s banks are reducing real estate loans, and you are taking steps to alleviate growth. Oil and gold remain in a narrow range.

On the economic calendar today we can see that the inflation data will be the main focus of traders. The PPI of Switzerland, which shows the producer price, increased to 0.1%. The consumer price of the euro area expected to be released like the previous data, therefore, there should be volatility in the market after this publication. The U.S. consumer price is expected to decrease from 0.4% to 0.2%, but the basic fact which excludes food and automobiles, is expected to increase by 0.1%. At 14:55 GMT, published the results of the survey on U.S. consumer sentiment, this figure is expected to increase from 72.5 to 73.8, which could strengthen the dollar.


CAMOVA Kindness is doing what most suit another person according to what you need at the moment “Tony de Mello. “We can afford a loan of gold, but we will always be indebted to those who have been kind to us,” Malay Proverb. It is considered a nice person Has cultivated the kindness Serame It has cost What are the impediments Are some questions that should already have answers Wikipedia tells us about the item, Kindness is considered one of the Knightly Virtues, and is a recognized value in many cultures and religions (see tica Bible). It is considered one of the seven virtues, specifically a breach of the Seven Virtues (direct opposite of the seven deadly sins which is the direct opposite to envy. The Talmud states that “acts of kindness are equal in weight to all the commandments.” Paul of Tarsus ‘defines love as being patient and kind…’ (First Epistle to the Corinthians Corinthians I). In Buddhism, one of the Ten Perfections (Paramita Paramita) is Metta, which is usually translated intoSpanish as “loving-kind.” Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama wrote, “My religion is kindness” and authored a book titled Kindness, Clarity, and Idea. Confucius asked his followers to “recompense kindness with kindness. “According to the book two of Aristotle’s Rhetoric is one of the emotions, which is defined as being” useful to someone in need, nothing, or for the benefit of the assistant, but to the person helped “The fact that is defined as kindly as kind, and a kind person is one who by his affable attitude, willing and loving is worth loving. solidaridadmedios. wordpress. com shows that a treatment is friendly with other friendly, accommodating, affectionate, says the dictionary of the RAE. Being kind is a step beyond education. It is not friendly greeting when entering a location or say goodbye when we leave: it is simply education. Kindness is taken into account the person we have on our side, to realize the service youprovided and thank you, is knowing forget for a moment, of us to take care of those around us and express our attention to events in detail. Kindness can not be confused with servility, the way to make a profit or hypocrisy. It is the consequence of an affection, – so something from the heart – to the person with whom we interact and grab that note!. Yield to an older person to board the bus is education, raise the package is in hand to do it more easily, is kindness. Avoid behavior toward others different forms of aggression: abrupt manners, high tone of voice, vocabulary, vulgar, certain looks, which by themselves say so many things are different forms of kindness. Kindness is also trying – if not possible in a friendly, at least with respect and recognition they deserve the people we provide a service. Learn to have, at least sometimes, a kind word to thank the services that we provide the shoemakerfix the shoes, the person who serves in the barbershop or the petrol station filling the tank of our car, are details of kindness. Angel Sanchez definitely indicates that: Kindness is the easiest way, delicate and tender to realize a mature and universal love, free of exclusiveness. That love that says I need you because I love you I love you not because I need you. That’s when the kindness are converted into a constant, because the complacent and behave afecutosa with others, feeling their happiness is the same as feeling one’s own happiness and joy shared. Kindness is a clear example of maturity and greatness of spirit. Industrial Engineer-manager, lawyer. EGADI (ITESM) Postgraduate master’s in business administration, quality and productivity management, education, Ed.D. Professor and researcher Graduate Area Faces UC.