
CAMOVA Kindness is doing what most suit another person according to what you need at the moment “Tony de Mello. “We can afford a loan of gold, but we will always be indebted to those who have been kind to us,” Malay Proverb. It is considered a nice person Has cultivated the kindness Serame It has cost What are the impediments Are some questions that should already have answers Wikipedia tells us about the item, Kindness is considered one of the Knightly Virtues, and is a recognized value in many cultures and religions (see tica Bible). It is considered one of the seven virtues, specifically a breach of the Seven Virtues (direct opposite of the seven deadly sins which is the direct opposite to envy. The Talmud states that “acts of kindness are equal in weight to all the commandments.” Paul of Tarsus ‘defines love as being patient and kind…’ (First Epistle to the Corinthians Corinthians I). In Buddhism, one of the Ten Perfections (Paramita Paramita) is Metta, which is usually translated intoSpanish as “loving-kind.” Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama wrote, “My religion is kindness” and authored a book titled Kindness, Clarity, and Idea. Confucius asked his followers to “recompense kindness with kindness. “According to the book two of Aristotle’s Rhetoric is one of the emotions, which is defined as being” useful to someone in need, nothing, or for the benefit of the assistant, but to the person helped “The fact that is defined as kindly as kind, and a kind person is one who by his affable attitude, willing and loving is worth loving. solidaridadmedios. wordpress. com shows that a treatment is friendly with other friendly, accommodating, affectionate, says the dictionary of the RAE. Being kind is a step beyond education. It is not friendly greeting when entering a location or say goodbye when we leave: it is simply education. Kindness is taken into account the person we have on our side, to realize the service youprovided and thank you, is knowing forget for a moment, of us to take care of those around us and express our attention to events in detail. Kindness can not be confused with servility, the way to make a profit or hypocrisy. It is the consequence of an affection, – so something from the heart – to the person with whom we interact and grab that note!. Yield to an older person to board the bus is education, raise the package is in hand to do it more easily, is kindness. Avoid behavior toward others different forms of aggression: abrupt manners, high tone of voice, vocabulary, vulgar, certain looks, which by themselves say so many things are different forms of kindness. Kindness is also trying – if not possible in a friendly, at least with respect and recognition they deserve the people we provide a service. Learn to have, at least sometimes, a kind word to thank the services that we provide the shoemakerfix the shoes, the person who serves in the barbershop or the petrol station filling the tank of our car, are details of kindness. Angel Sanchez definitely indicates that: Kindness is the easiest way, delicate and tender to realize a mature and universal love, free of exclusiveness. That love that says I need you because I love you I love you not because I need you. That’s when the kindness are converted into a constant, because the complacent and behave afecutosa with others, feeling their happiness is the same as feeling one’s own happiness and joy shared. Kindness is a clear example of maturity and greatness of spirit. Industrial Engineer-manager, lawyer. EGADI (ITESM) Postgraduate master’s in business administration, quality and productivity management, education, Ed.D. Professor and researcher Graduate Area Faces UC.

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