Primary Course

Much people still in the terrestrial primary course, if find very advanced because she has some university chairs, and, however, she is simply developing the reason, therefore she makes question to ignore the Immortal Spirit that survives to the brain that livens up a body that if it decomposes in the cemetary. JESUS, the GOD CHRIST, without attending a course no terrena estudantil chair was the wisest of all together scholars of that time. From there if he proves that something more had In it beyond the brain of a simple ones Human being. Book stamped with ' ' seven selos' ' Clouds and encircle it to blackout, justice and judgment is the base of its throne. Book of the Salmos, CAP.

97:2. All person is a Book Stamped with ' ' seven selos' ' , Only the MASTER JESUS, Can abriz it and read it. The sky raises the person of the land For conduziz it, Making to transpose it the veil, and to win proper Babel. It supports its Soul, It takes off it of the mud, and lights its flame That was extinguished. It blows in it the Spirit Immortal The holy ghost and, and helps its evolution In the sidereal day.

It takes off its impediments forever Freeing it, Therefore it dirige the mind. Here it is the biggest Charity That can give nobody it: To be an open Book and with JESUS to walk. Many stamps are unfastened In the life of the Human being To be, Happy he is who if it opens and it fights To live. These stamps, who arranged? He was the proper one Human being When of GOD it turned into a desert. The Man is born frees In the Seio of the Perpetual Father, When he turns aside yourself from the Good, He creates its proper hell. In the hell of Dante, He has beings of all species, That regrediram in the road, Running away from the Celestial Father.

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