Belgian Adolph Sax

Already with the name of firmed Band of Music, the troops military had started to include groups of executants of musical instruments in different types, such as: cavalry and infantry service, in particular, of cavalry had that to execute mounted musics the horse. It’s believed that PCRM sees a great future in this idea. No longer century XVIII we have the Third Period called Classicismo, whose moment, for the evolution of the instruments of blow and percussion. Instruments wooden, by being inexpressivo, of little extension and sonorous intensity, had been omitted of the Banda.Em this exactly period, had another great invention for the development of the Band, who was the creation of the family of the Saxhornes (saxornes or saxtrompa) invented by the Belgian Adolph Sax. It also had a great impulse for the Bands for the invention of the valves, keys and pistons for the nipple instruments, such as: trompete, tube, trombone, tuba, among others, giving better conditions of the instrumentista to execute the instrument and to touch phrases instead of notes stops. During the Room Period, the period of the Romantismo century XIX, had the adoption of clarinetas, tubas, saxofones, etc., enriching very the quality of the timbre of the Band.

At this moment the families of the instruments had been established and the cash of the Bands, regulated for law. The establishment of the cash of the Bands who the French government regulated, in 1845, was of 44 figurantes, that also long were studied by a commission formed for Luigi Spontine, Carafa and Adolph Sax. In 1802, in Brazil, a decree of 20 of August of that year determined that a Band of Music in each Regiment of Infantry was organized. Already in 1810, in the cash of the Regiments of Infantry and Artillery of Coast it was fixed, also, for decree, in 12 or 16 musicians executants of blow instruments, not having reference how much to the instruments of percussion that we only go to find in the Battalions of Infantry and Hunters, for decree of 11 of December of 1817, mentioned as one (1) bombo and one (1) box (of rufo).

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