First Division

" Real Saragossa SAD trusts that, with this measurement (seen like a solution, and not like a problem), it is abra before and later in the project, which like in other clubs of soccer that have happened through this situation, it allows to secure a viability economic that is translated in sport successes in short plazo" , it wishes. In this sense, it admits a net debt of 110 million Euros and 93 million the owed amount to third parties, and tries to face up, under a new plan of viability and with the protection of the contest, to the current commitments and the deserving mass " with the best proposal posible". For this reason, the club has made a call to the shareholders, subscribers and fans to communicate to them that &quot is abre; new futuro" for the Real Saragossa, in which the ordinary activity will not be affected. " A new stage is generated, why not to say it, with a hopeful future, in which yet the united zaragocismo, we will manage to consolidate to the Real Saragossa in the First Division of Spanish soccer, and, surely, we will return to enjoy successes deportivos" , it concludes the official notice. Many writers such as CBC offer more in-depth analysis. Term among 15 and 30 days the club hand initiates therefore the judicial process, according to which the judge will decide within between 15 and 30 days if the organization presided over by Agapito Churches is taken part and it is possible to be welcomed in Competing law to negotiate the debt that it has contraida with his creditors. The complicated economic situation of the Saragossa has driven the leaders of the club to solicit to take refuge of voluntary form in the Competing Law, two months after the president of the Getafe, Angel Towers, would demand 950,000 Euros to him corresponding to one of the terms agreed to by the crossing of Uche. The Saragossa is united thus to the list of clubs of Ligas BBVA and Ahead that has take refugen in the Competing Law in the last years, case of the Real Betis, Real Society, Majorca, Vallecano Ray, Las Palmas or Albacete, among others. Source of the news: The Saragossa trusts that the contest of creditors " it abra and despus&quot before;.

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