Hoffmann Day

The franchise network Vitalia day Center joins the initiative get in your skin, promoted by the portal specializing in seniors, Infoelder. This campaign, aimed at sensitizing and alleviating mistreatment to the elderly, shares with Vitalia day centre the same concerns, as it is favor the autonomy of the eldest, promote their participation and social inclusion, and respect for their rights of equality, liberty and dignity. Oblivion, an indifferent attitude towards older people and, of course, negligence that occur, are the main causes of social abuse against this group. The main objective of the campaign is to reduce the number of people suffering from this type of action in Spain. Using the logo not to ill-treatment, including on their website, Vitalia day Center accredits comply with basic indicators of quality in relation to the elderly. Abuse, therefore, encompasses much more than voluntary physical actions, which undergo the greatest and cause her harm, deprive him of necessary care for your well-being and that this involves a deterioration in their quality of life, also are symptoms of neglect and undermining this sector of society.

Vitalia day centres for improvement of the physical, cognitive and social skills of the highest form part of their objectives, which reach them through his method of individual and custom work that meets the specific needs of each major. For more information: Dept. communication RMG & associated fat Ana / Silvia Lopez / 91 597 16 16 Vitalia bass philosophy we take care of your elders with the same love, with more media born Vitali. A day earmarked for the third age Centre and where each case is unique. Vitalia offers from Monday to Friday daytime service and attention at home on weekends and public holidays, with a personalized and comprehensive care to older persons with physical dependence, and also that suffer cognitive impairment. This is the essence of the method of work of Vitalia and who has been baptized as the Hoffmann method. Customize individualized to each patient and offer the best infrastructure, equipment and services, to adapt them to their needs and their families. In Vitali have a team formed by the Directorate, medical, nursing, occupational therapy and physiotherapy rehabilitation service, service psychology, auxiliary clinic, transportation, Podiatry, hairdressing and service of showers.

All of this to offer better assistance to elders. Two programs are also set to valid and assisted – people who help to particularize each case. Cultural activities, workshops, psycho-stimulation programs, monitoring the medical record and complementary services help to promote the recovery and maintenance of personal and social autonomy of the older person.

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