How To Choose A Pram ?

Stroller – one of the most necessary items for the child and his parents. Because children spend a lot of time in a wheelchair to her choice to come with great responsibility. Let's try to answer the question 'How to choose a pram', consider what types of wheelchairs are, how they differ … Types of wheelchairs in most cases for the kid to buy two strollers. First – carriage-cradle is used for children under the age of one , the second – the so-called old (walking) – for older kids. Pram, carrycot pram, carrycot is distinguished by the cradle, rather large dimensions, and in most cases carried out as Mid-season – ie it can be used in summer and winter seasons.

Modern strollers bassinet allows you to take the cradle and use it to move a child in the building (for example, this cradle is very convenient to use in children clinic). In addition, the design of wheelchairs often can fold it, which in turn allows you to save space in your apartment and can transport it in a car. The presence of large-diameter wheels, typical proportion of this type of wheelchair, you can easily overcome obstacles while walking with a child on the streets (curbs, sand and gravel, snow). A fairly significant height wheelchair promotes comfort and fit Lift your baby. Among the negative aspects of this type of wheelchair – a fairly significant weight (15-20 kg) and cost. Strollers second type – the summer or walking, are used to transport children aged 9-10 months in a sitting position.

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