Majid Tavakoli

The interested public was visibly surprised, and some details also shocked. On the last poster of the exhibition, visitors were invited to write comments and wishes of the population in the Iran. There were words like freedom, courage, peace then. The public round was initiated with a poem for the imprisoned lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who has received the human rights award of the European Parliament in December 2012. Moderator Helmut N. fork brought at the beginning of a current example of the effectiveness of continuous and in-depth human rights work from the Iran. A spokesman for a Parliamentary Commission in the Iran had announced the previous day that stoning penalty catalogue were deleted because of international pressure by experts who lived abroad and Governments is very high. Then Tessa Spethmann, spoke about their motivations for human rights to engage Hendrikje Alpermann, Lydia Boons and Dr.

Seyed Azmayesh and briefly presented their organisations. Mrs Boons described the situation of women in the Iran, woman Alpermann presented the case of a young Baha ‘ i pair before and wife Spethmann drew attention to the situation of Majid Tavakoli. Dr. Azmayesh described his commitment to human rights in the Iran as a task that is more curious than just Iran. According to Azmayesh must halt the fascist regime before it can further poison the minds of young people in the West with his ideology. Thus, its usage applies to the preservation of human rights in the West. Still shopping with the Iran and especially with the economic power in the background, the Pasdaran, in addition to the violations of human rights itself, a source of possible motivation for human rights activists.

Human rights activists live in a strange expectations. You are alert like cats before nests and yet fervently hope that no mouse out. Unfortunately, a regime like in Iran offers very many mice…Activists see the dictators and criminals to the dignity of the people on the finger and bring in different ways to the language, which covered those and want to forget. They hope their existence be obsolete to allow – and that will be, if people should lead their lives, how they choose and not be hindered by cliques and States exercising free choices within the framework of statutory provisions. Helmut N. fork

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