Southern Energy

And we must move products to the place of the short collection of the National Property SEREMI state ". On this issue, Peter Hartmann said that in this case is not only necessary to establish liability of the company, and any penalties, but also "the relevant regulatory bodies and clarify how it was the expropriation of the fiscal belt by National Assets for a private road that will ultimately only serves Southern Energy and its project. " He recalled that "the June 25, 2008 a special report illegal logging of native forests to the local police court of Puerto Aysen, which is followed by a requirement before the same body Conaf July 2, but coincidentally the same days the entity forest, next to the National Property SEREMI, quickly agrees settlement with the company that involved a fine of more than nearly $ 9 million, to desist on the day following the presentation, which seems to us that there is serious consideration involved protected species such as cypress The Guaitecas, and there is doubt about how it is safeguarding the heritage of all Chileans. " He noted that failure to submit a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office on July 3, 2008, "are afraid that this probably would have come to nothing." He also recalled that "the study of Southern Energy conveniently left out of the environmental assessment of road construction, arguing that it would be a route for public use in partnership with Roads, which is ruled upon learning that the prosecution's responsibility to them in their materialization. " The job communicating the procedure performed on Wednesday states that both Quinones as Amenabar "in the event of failure to appear at the hearing unreasonably enacted, may be detained or placed under custody until the completion of the respective action." In the note which sets the date for filing appears as a complainant, in addition to Hartmann, the attorney prosecuting attorney of the State Defense Council in Coyhaique, Carlo Montti Merino, being designated as a public defender the accused's lawyer Luis Soto Pozo. According to a report issued by Conaf, damage included changes in the conditions of the product instead of removing vegetation, altering the hydrological conditions, structural characteristics of the soil, destabilization of slopes near the road, change the landscape and forest structure . The work also altered the basic conditions that allow regeneration of native forests, especially the cypress of Las Guaitecas, which is included in the Convention on International Trade of Protected Species (CITES). In addition, affected tineo, cinnamon, tiaca, manio, notro, myrtle, tepa and Fuinque..

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