Full Creative Power

First if you consciously do every day with all joy and feeling of where you come from, your full potential unfolds. You can no longer remember where is your origin, from where you’re coming from, who you are in reality, but you can make still very well aware it for you. You’re but a strong imagination. Derek the now even go, this isn’t much reach mind will. You have this experience behind you. View you once as a two-year child. See your aliveness and your light in your eyes. Feel the whole innocence of Tataendrang this being, this angel who would like to experience only joy and is infinitely curious, full.

Do you feel this lightness? You see the smile? And now comes the moment where this kid, where you have succeeded in what friends with joy over something, jubelst. You’re happy, you dance, you’re laughing, you’re yourself. No mind prevents you. So you experience passion here. You’re child with full passion, without restricting you.

Where do you get this joy and passion? It is your original nature. Unclouded. It is the nature of your soul, your origin, your multidimensionality. And now see you there, feel, look at the incredible passion combined with perfect love of your soul, you make the decision: Yes! I go back down, I want to see it, I reach the fullness, the whole thing, the big this time! I am but the creator! And I’ll remember that, when I am on the Earth, this time I will remember, with ease sogar…und then will I show me, show all, show everyone who I am! Feel what it’s about? Remember. You were so! And all this is this passion, this security, this terrific creative force within you. And you’d forgotten it yet again. Now bring it back! You can do it! Playing! Feel it, go on, leave it out! If you start the day like this and make clear decisions in this energy, they will manifest themselves. And if something gets,. what you almost can believe, send it away. To go and implement it. No longer do this many compromises and Halbherzigkeiten. Because I know that people always need impetus to enter in this firm attitude in this internal security and to move into this passion I have created 2 audiobooks that lead them back out there. A book has a different effect than reading. My voice, the music and the empathic, but also rousing energy together jedel time again create a new strength in every person. The website presents these audio books. Ralph-Dietmar Stief holistic therapist

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