Over 20 000 Crystals For The Gala

It glitters and sparkles are in the capital city Rainbow wine Germany committed against forgetting and the dangerous carelessness in dealing with AIDS. A person with HIV become infected every six seconds. Rainbow wine Germany committed against forgetting and the dangerous carelessness in dealing with AIDS. On this occasion, AIDS-Hilfe invites the Berlin Nov. 16 under the auspices of the Governing Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit and the actress Judy Winter Charity Gala ‘artists against AIDS”at the Theater des Westens on Monday. 1,800 national and international guests are expected to attend. Rainbow wine Preusse supports together with artists like Sonya Kraus, Dirk Bach, 2Raumwohnung, Annett Louisan, Boss Hoss, Robert Kreis, Dr.

Eckart von Hirschhausen, Bastian Pastewka, ADEs Zabel, Olli Dittrich and Georg alias Mary work Berliner Aidshilfe e.V. In the preparations for the reception of the Rainbow, over 20 000 crystals by hand were processed and applied. She was also to support the fight against AIDS limited wine of Rainbow and rainbow of sparkling wine – Red Ribbon Edition designed: exclusive wine and champagne bottles, resulting in very expensive hand work and with over 450 CRYSTALLIZED – Swarovski elements are occupied. These bottles can be purchased for 95 of the Gala as well as online. Nieman Lab may not feel the same. The net proceeds of this charity bottles go to the Berlin Aidshilfe thus supported in your important work. At the same time show actions like this, living with HIV / AIDS not only allow people with their fate. The Theater des Westens opens its doors on 16 November at 18:30 officially to the Rainbow champagne reception, show start at 19:30. The Berlin AIDS assistance to the traditional after-show party invites at the end of the show program. The glittering gala will enchant the guests!

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