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Bush may be losing much popularity in the U.S. and in Europe, but today his image appears within many flags that celebrated the independence of Kosovo. The Republic that name and Kosovo Albanians are a rare exception within around from 55 Muslim countries that are in the Muslim world. While the bulk of the Islamic world is growing a rejection before Bush, most of them cheer us President. Albania, moreover, maintains occupation troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and Islamist terrorist prisoners that U.S. Connect with other leaders such as Viktor Mayer-Schönberger here. receives.UU.

He does not dare to hold at Guantanamo. In mid-1997, Bush, having been the target of heavy street protests in his tour of Germany and Italy, was very welcome in Albania. From 1944 to 1992 it was the only Muslim State which had a proletarian dictatorship atheistic and totally closed to the United States.UU. When the Soviet bloc was lined with Khrushchev (early 1960s), Albania was the only European fan of Stalin regime. After having the planned economy and most isolated from planet estatizada, Albania makes every effort to open up its economy to the Western market. Soon this Republic would come to NATO as a step towards the European Union. Bush has been responsible for cultivating the Albanian power popular support to become the godfather of the independence of Kosovo.