Tag: music

Peter Maffay

For children in need, his MOWOS Peter Maffay donates star guitar. Dr. Neal Barnard is full of insight into the issues. The famous guitar with numerous autographs of legendary world stars will be auctioned at the 7th Munich roses ball. Munich, January 20, 2009 – not only in Hollywood there’s the walk of Fame with stars of the big stars, since 2003 there’s in the Olympic Park Munich the Munich Olympic walk of stars. BSA has many thoughts on the issue. Here have the big names, who visited Munich in the meantime with your hands and immortalized Signet in the concrete. Also Peter Maffay is one of the prominent artists, which at the Munich Olympic walk of stars can be found. On the occasion of his enthronement, Peter Maffay has brought his red guitar and more artists signing can be. The original signatures of Eros Ramazzotti, Placido Domingo and Chris de Burgh, Bryan Adams, David Copperfield, John Bon Jovi, Peter Maffay are now on the guitar. So, it’s a unique musical instrument, which exists in this form not a second time.

The Tabaluga Kids Foundation and the Munich rose ball are Peter Maffay value, that the valuable Guitar now comes under the hammer. The official auction will take place at the 7th Munich rose ball on February 19 in the hotel Bayerischer Hof. It bids can be made according to the Organizer, but also previously at: gitarre.html. The guitar can be visited starting on January 24 in the Munich Luitpold Flor and decor, Brienner str. 13, 80333Muenchenim block storefronts. The ball of Roses is one of the noblest Carnival balls of the Munich ball season and held in favor of the Tabaluga Kids Foundation. It approximately 700 guests are expected, including many celebrities.

He has over 30 years of tradition and roses ball goes back on the Orchid ball of Kommunalpolitikers Wolfgang Valdez singing the father-in-law of the President of the Association of Munich. In addition to the ball, the Association holds annually more charity events such as concerts, readings, etc.

Very Talented Composers

But, unfortunately, our show business is not looking, not teaching and educates the new composer, author of talent, not help them in their growth. And this leads to the fact that the vast majority of potentially beautiful new music and lyrics just do not is born. To a wider audience for their way only the young songwriters, composers who either have a huge financial support (eg from parents), or "Dodging every fate" have talent not only in composing music and songs, but playing music, arrangement, accompaniment, vocals, management, promotion, promoutinga, programming, advertising. The latter, fortunately, there are but few of them. Among become familiar on television and radio singers, songwriters, composers, many "blown" A lot of the same stars in show business, the very ones my mother's and father's sons and daughters. Percentage of talent among them about the same as among others.

But the absolute number of them are much smaller, since much less the very wealthy compared to others. Seek the same in the "star" children of rich just as poor. Just the rich have more opportunities for good education and promotion of their children. And because almost all the children of wealthy parents, who wished to become "stars", they are regardless of inclinations, talents, knowledge, skills, etc. I'm afraid to be wrong, but I think that among become familiar on television and radio singers, songwriters, composers, etc. – more than half of just such stars.

For them, buying air time, conduct ad campaigns. And consequently, we do listen, see, get used to them. We have not established a system for selecting, training and promotion of talented young songwriters, composers, lyricists, arrangers By and large, the degree of talent of some of their creations equal to the average level of talent of all our people.