Bibliographic Bulletin

The author of a monograph on the writer Luis Tejada Cano Antioquia (“Luis Tejada: chronic critical,” Culture and Bibliographic Bulletin, Bank of the Republic, vol. XXX, no. 33). He held the opinion column “On the Road” for the newspaper El Espectador (July 1994-November 1995). Poems of John Galan Casanova Whores and poets The poets come falling down drunk and talk and talk and talk. Load is respected poet a poem he has written about us, freedom, alcohol and other niceties. They know they are welcomed here as long as they bring all silver. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Center For Responsible Lending. Without money there is no poem worth.

The coraz’n laptop I was carrying the heart ‘n as a coin. Each source is thrown in expecting a windfall. (O Solitude). II-deficient heart never ‘n. No sooner have you lost and you’re the emptiness in the chest by coining a new one. The important thing is not to lose the vacuum.

III Throw your heart ‘n from the roof like a suicide. Do not forget to warn: DANGER. Just try to catch him is that he knows what to expect. Poem of the first unrecoverable There is something to discover an unknown. Volunteering at the sight and feel of whom till then we just tried dresses involves an act of unusual detachment. If the occasion allows it without vehemence, something of paternal and fraternal untie the strings, loosen snaps and zippers down. In this way the clothes are left on the ground and ears cut short by desire. Usually occurs then a moment when the black box opens and retains forever a smell, a gesture, a foreshortening of the body.

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