Tag: society


The laws of nature – is, for example, the process of cell division, organ development, formation of the psyche, etc. Some of them we know thoroughly, some not until the end, the existence of some kind, perhaps, still can not guess, but what they 'Govern' us – it is a well known fact. Ken Cron recognizes the significance of this. Then there is the impact of society on the formation of personality and, consequently, the laws of this society (it's all the same laws of nature, but more subtle). From the considered suggests the following conclusion: I was – a kind of machine, driven by a given program inside and outside, absolutely does not enjoy freedom. But we do not feel such a conclusion seems so unnatural that internally, I can not agree with him (even allowing for its ability to speculatively). I do not think that a person properly characterized, calling it a 'reasonable person', rather, people do not even feel, and wants.

In my opinion, feelings precede reason. A desire – emotion. Traced a chain: I want to get something good, something that will give me pleasure (the feelings), and only then the mind begins to work to find opportunities desired. Here we see another immutable law of nature: everything in the universe tends to enjoy and 'escapes' from suffering. But we also see that the person deliberately goes on suffering. Yes, the 'man' – this is our mysterious door, which we so vain to break open for more than one millennium. The man – a crown the whole of nature, but he can feel in the past, present and future.

Bill Gates

Thus, the motivation for long become a magician, in our view, enough. Now a few thoughts on how the magic of action. Ideal option to make a surprise – you find out the most cherished dream of the object to which you are going to donate something, but in any case, not questioning anything at himself. Why? Surprise will not work! But to recreate the tales of surprise – is the key to success. In our time, the dreams of many people, mainly material and quite expensive.

And what do you do if your budget far from the status of Bill Gates? We'll give you some advice. The Council first – Get training and selection of gift in advance, ideally – for about a month before the New Year celebrations. The closer the celebration itself, the more fuss will at work, where it is imperative to deliver a huge number of reports, and at home, where you need to do spring cleaning "on the threshold of a new life" and purchase products for the festive table. In this environment, you'll dream, how to quickly get to the pillow and try to sleep off what already here thinking about the magic? If you do not know exactly what you are going to present, the council second – check out the many gifts catalogs online stores. This is a great saving of time and effort. So you've come to the time when necessary to reflect the essence of future presentations and its compliance with the future owner.

Good Deeds

Good deeds light up lives of not only someone who accepts them, but most of the giver. Words of gratitude, a smile and sparkling eyes are the best reward, if you know what they are intended to you for a good cause. At the level of household talk a lot of people willing to help others – to collect things for the kids from the orphanage to help with the repair of a charitable organization or a nurse to work with seriously ill, which does not have any of relatives. Unfortunately, often all that still remains at the level of conversation. And not because people are so callous and heartless! They just do not always know exactly how can help and that it needs to be done, and suggest or send them to nobody. Reach out with one finger movement Our portal civil partnership ".ru offers the attention of all concerned people a new service that allows you to volunteer any social organization in one second, do not waste time searching for its origin in the city. To do this, only to register on our portal, go to the relevant section and get the most complete information about what nonprofit organizations have in your area and what specific help they need. Here, every man must decide in what area it might be useful as it would help those who are really need.

Selecting the appropriate organization, user of our portal with the help of mouse clicks for the moment it becomes a volunteer and participate in activities that it conducts. Put a clear mandate for clear Results Non-profit organizations that publish on our portal your data and applications on the need for volunteers should indicate the most accurate information to those whom they want to bring to their work. This will help as closely as possible to find those people for whom helping others in a particular area will be a joy and forces – in fact, for some types of assistance relevant training. Only the dense interaction of volunteers and nonprofit organizations we can bring real help to the needy. Our time is commonly called cynicism. It's time to prove that it is not so. Let our portal will become indifferent to others' troubles first step towards good works, which remain in the memory of many people and always return to you a hundredfold.

Internet Businesses

Not necessarily to make businesses by Internet, is for " empresarios" with thousand companies. Finally everything has a principle, and nobody can deny that the great things arose from something small. When your you have interest, you have approach., and therefore the fruit of your interest will come! *3. – To look for information without supersaturating to us. In this time, I have seen as it is that the businesses by Internet, in fact are a very coarse subject, we can derrepente receive tons of information on the subject, but in truth is necessary always to be you allow of all the information to which we decided to expose itself. Nobody can receive one ton of weight on its head and take a walk calmly by the park as if nothing had happened. As well as in the common life, when we avoided the excesses is when in truth we managed to advance.

And in the businesses by Internet the same happens, the information must formarte and therefore; not sobresaturarte! *4. – Disernir between false and the true thing. Thus so what as makes the personnel takes care of who you in the window of a bank. They have been trained to recognize true tickets. If some false one were strained that way, of immediate this a would jump his seen, since that one ticket does not agree with the characteristics of a true ticket. In the same way, when deciding to make businesses by Internet you will be learning to disernir between false and the true one. Simply of entrance it is necessary to outside hechar the Chinese story of which you will be rich overnight when doing businesses by Internet. Simply we do enough when we so ignored that spent argument.

Nothing comes by magic art, but all profit comes as a result of everything a effort.! * 5. – Perseverar without desmayar. We see as well as it in an athlete, once the race has begun needs to maintain the rate of its step! It needs to run according to the distance that it has ahead. If it restrains its steps, simply it will happen enough: some of its companions will win. Also, to make businesses by Internet is as demanding as it is it a race for an athlete. All the effort that you print at first, must stay constant until the end! Of a time to the date I have seen examples of people who siemplemente have to me left of course truth: When assuming a challenge, you assume the challenge of perseverar and not desmayar! Hhaha I am arriving at the end of this my first article, and you will think: Everything comenzo with keys and I finish with a race, " and to tell the truth: that mezlca but so rare there am atrevio to publish! But in truth I am convinced of the intention of this and all post will be fulfilled not by the peculiarity of my examples, but by the value that can contribute all that one that it has decided to rise the boat and to begin to sail! Businesses by Internet are the vehicle, your you decide when it will be the principle of that route that hopes already! A hug very hard! Maggi Muoz Creative in Design Grfico and Emprendedora de Negocios by Internet. Original author and source of the article.