Board Enthusiasts

Few words, but a lot of things. I type the command enthusiasts and altruists. Probably every programmer or designer in their daily work wonders – that would not be bad to work in a team of professionals. But not everyone people can realize this vision. So what's the problem, let's assemble a team! On the Internet and in the world can read a lot of evidence that a group of volunteers and people living with the interests of achieved more than some sort of a commercial organization.

So who wants to join our ranks? Invite. Also, the service vkontakte created a group with the same name – A group of enthusiasts! Do not write those who are not interested or someone who will not join the team. And another important point: Before joining the group – Rethink your decision and then as the practice of the past week, write to me are people who do not even know what ENTHUSIAST. And do not expect that everything is ready! Everyone who joins the group, it automatically generates a skeleton, but he still needs to make their ideas and thoughts, and not just because many are asking questions – you are coming from … I repeat once again – Think! And only then write … Also, before entry into the group must write a small summary about yourself. Pattern is: 1. Name 2.

Place of residence 3. Interests 4. Age 5. Views on the project – a team of enthusiasts 6. Projects (if any) 7. Knowledge (Area) 8. Examples of projects that do not work forbidden if you add something to his resume this. Details in the process of communication. PS On a site a clever … deducted an article about what should be the first project or team. So, how many people I've written, and all "Power Board" as they call themselves the first question – what shall we do and HOW I get paid … enthusiasts, damn … Read at your leisure, plus will not!

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