Brian Tracy

About half of the targets from the list have been met. Many of them were executed with remarkable accuracy (language that I've long forgotten accurately reflect my life today) or exceeded. Close to some targets were possible – '15 years ''20 years'. But here is what is most interesting: the most goals were realized the last 6 months! That is, if I opened the list yet recently, the picture would be quite different. More recently, many of the things that I once wrote down the list were for me still unrealistic. Most of the time that has passed since the inception of the list, I moved forward, but the movement was relatively slow and not very noticeable. But then at one point there was a real breakthrough. Why it occurred? It seems that for any explosion must first build a critical mass. Many events that have occurred over the past three years, many seeming failures, many seemingly random coincidence of interests and gradually evolved into one. All this time they have accumulated. They become one details of the puzzle. They created the critical mass necessary for a great breakthrough. And when that critical mass had accumulated, when hundreds of large and small needed changes in my life have occurred, there was an explosion! Immediately a couple dozen of my old desires could be realized within a few months! Thoughts about everything what happened made me think of Brian Tracy, that started it all. In the bookstore, obeying impulse, I took down his book and opened to the first got the page. What I read, confirmed my observations. Brian wrote that the law applies to the 20/80 goals. Usually, the first 80 percent of the time we pass only 20 percent toward the goal. But the remaining 20 percent of the time it takes to overcome the high-speed eight-tenths way. Maybe you have already put a set of ambitious goals. Maybe you look around you, and not see the desired changes. And maybe you, as I once started to pour in from all sides failures. And you want to ask: 'When, finally, there will your break? ". I do not know the exact answer. Maybe he will not come soon. May be, there are still many steps that need to be done before it will become possible. Maybe some of these steps will seem to you down the steps or walking in circles. In any case, I want to give you a simple but the powerful council. Do not give up!

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