Chief Accountant

Financial professionals can qualify for much higher wages than a year ago. According to staff the center of Unity, accountant salary compared to the same period last year increased by 20-35 percent. A salary level of financial directors remains stable. Compared with the first quarter of the difference less noticeable. According to a recruitment portal SuperJob, minimum wages accountant in some regions are growing: in Yekaterinburg – from 22 to 25 thousand rubles in Ufa – from 17 to 18 thousand rubles. A maximum contrast, decreased: in St. Petersburg – from 200 to 160 thousand rubles in Novosibirsk – from 150 to 120 thousand rubles. You may find that can contribute to your knowledge. The average figures for the three months have not changed. A similar picture of findirov, except that their minimum wage in some places reduced (Ekaterinburg, Ufa). At the highest incomes now can expect to professionals who work in the oil and gas industry, construction, finance, communications and IT-technologies. Employers require generalists As noted by Natalia Abdulina, Recruitment Manager of the International Personnel Center “Favorite”, if even a year ago by accountant is rarely employer demanded knowledge of management reporting at the present time these suggestions to the applicants meet more often. As far as financial director, and here a similar trend. From such professionals need to know the tax laws and how to fill the primary documents. And because chief accountants with experience in financial officer, are more likely to find yourself paying job. In the same way as financial director, who previously led the accounting or tax advisors worked. Requirements for work experience and education on the representations of the employer, Applicant posts treasurer must be skilled strategic financial planning, risk analysis and control of cash flows. In addition, the cfo await the introduction of the company effective system of budgeting. Ask the experience with credit and financial institutions, as well as participation in the preparation and review of investment projects. From the accountant more often require experience in various sectors (trade, construction, services). In addition, companies interested in accountant, familiar with foreign trade activities. Also useful as a professional accountant certificate and experience of the passage of tax checks. Source: Accounting. Taxes. Right.

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