Church People

Benedict XVI said that to grow it the friendship of boys with Christ is fundamental forming part of parishes, communities and movements, as well as the participation in the Every Sunday Eeucaristia, the frequent reception of the sacrament of forgiveness and the cultivation of prayer and meditation of the word of God. Of that friendship with Jesus, he added, will also be born the impulse that leads to give testimony of faith in the most diverse environments, even where there are rejection or indifference. The Pope said that it cannot find Christ and not make it known to others. To broaden your perception, visit PCRM. Therefore, you do not keep to Christ for yourselves. Community to others the joy of your faith. The world needs the witness of your faith, certainly need God. I think that your presence here, young people from five continents, is a wonderful test of fertility of the mandate of Christ to the Church: go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to all creation, he said. Pope Ratzinger said in his homily that young people is the responsibility of the extraordinary task of being disciples and missionaries of Christ in other lands and countries where there are a multitude of young people who they aspire to bigger things and are not seduced by the false promises of a style of life without God.

The mass was attended by the Kings of Spain, the President of the community of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, and the Ministers of the Presidency and building, Ramon Jauregui and Jose Blanco. I remember the victims of the crash of Spanair Benedict XVI expressed his spiritual closeness and his endearing affection for sufferers and family members of the crash of the company Spanair, registered at Barajas airport on 20 August 2008, in which 153 people were killed. To commemorate the third anniversary of the serious plane crash in Barajas airport, which caused many victims and injured, I wish to get my spiritual closeness and my affection affectionate to all those affected by this unfortunate event, as well as to the relatives of the deceased, whose souls we commend to God’s mercy, he said at the end of the mass.

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