Creative Activity

The planning, the aiming and the attention of the customer help in the estruturao of its proper life. It is a rich resource, therefore the individual plans, analyzes, is intent, concentrate, organized and patient. It is a multiplying activity. 3.1.6? Weaving Is one efficient technique that extends the world perceptions and breaches with the automatism. In the weaving, the individual obtains to feel the different textures of wires and is stimulated to exercise the thought (since in this necessary process to count the points, to change the color of wires, to separate the wool). The wire use, wools or lines, symbolizes what we weave inside of us.

3.1.7? Pipe the construction of pipes integrates elements air and land, making possible tri dimension and the contact with the aeolian energy. It stimulates the motor and visio-motor coordination and is a conscientious, rational, percipient activity and provides basement for geometry, beyond being an icon of multilearnings. 3.1.8? Puppets Are excellent to construct to personages, giving to each one the paper that corresponds to it in the real life. 3.1.9? Stories of Fairy the story structure of fairies illustrates psique human being thus having a therapeutical function. It develops antecedents and consequences, bred for adults and, later, children. 4 THE ART AND CHILD 4.1? The Importance of the Development of a Creative Activity Which will be the importance for the child to develop a creative activity? To answer to this question it is necessary that if it places in the situation of the child. &#039 is necessary; ' to look at with its olhos' ' to discover what it is transferred in the mind of the child when is busy with an activity of art. When the child starts an artistic activity it can be thinking about ' ' some coisa' '. This ' ' some coisa' ' , to the times, she seems insignificant for the adults.

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