Creative Engineering

Creativity and communication skills are the key competences of the Dipl.-ing. of the future. In the wake of the shortage not only companies think about how we can counteract the current loss of 28.5 billion euros (value added loss calculated between July 2007 and July 2008, IW Cologne) through lack of specialists, universities also look worried in a future in which fewer and fewer young people engineering courses select. The real fascination of the engineering profession is too often in the background. It is particularly important, increasingly in the schools to bring the enthusiasm for the profession, to arouse the interest of young people in technical fields as early as possible. The prejudices that are blamed on the profession of engineer is to refute. Because the Dipl.-ing.

enjoys while social standing, also due to the very good financial prospects of his profession, but the image of the poor communication experimenter can be difficult to remove from the minds of many young people. It is,. In addition to the technical requirements, such as physical and mathematical understanding, creativity one of the most important features of the engineer. It is a special award to the graduates with the best career opportunities on the German labour market, and engineers have long been discredited the image of the reclusive inventor. Hot sought after and yet misunderstood. So, the situation for many engineers of these days can be summarized.

In the wake of the shortage not only companies think about how we can counteract the current loss of 28.5 billion euros (value added loss calculated between July 2007 and July 2008, IW Cologne) through lack of specialists, universities also look worried in a future in which fewer and fewer young people engineering courses select. The simultaneous social and economic changes, globalization and demographic change, represent one of the greatest challenges of our time. Bologna process agreements such as the State education system of the situation tries to meet the Bologna process.

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