
As any philosophical proposal or scientific theorem, the first paragraph contains the axioms that determine the enrollment of the text. A postulate exists deist, which incorporates the infinite time in the subsequentes reflections. Thus, if it cannot analyze the Versatilismo taking itself in account years, decades or centuries, therefore if compared with the suggested eternity, these would not pass of irrisrias secular measures. What to think then of the perpetual one? In speculative character, the human thought always looks a way to inside insert the individual of the context that is being examined.

By chance the life would be restricted to the years that we transit for the planet? It does not fit to this text, of monographic matrix, to refute or to answer to this type of question, but to-somente to understand the points of the bringing suit. As Einstein, that adopted the speed of the light as being a universal constant (6), or Lavoisier, that affirmed that nothing it is lost or if it creates in the substance, but everything it is changedded (7), the first paragraph of the Manifesto speaks of laws which the man perpetual would be subordinated, that we can assume being they of the physics and metaphysics (8), so that the logic if makes gift. At the time of Impressionismo (9), a movement must have common date, place, participants and ideas; however in the one of the Versatilismo the spreading can be made through one frum of the Internet; the exposition of the works does not need to give itself in a museum, perhaps in a situated virtual gallery in hiperespao; the musicians do not need nor to leave its countries to formulate compositions international or to make joint writings. The proper Manifesto does not obtain to define the limits of what it considers or it announces, therefore the author notifies that the term Universe, inserted in the body of the message, can have its agreement modified with elapsing of the time, being implied that the possible alterations, reductions or magnifyings, are waited and welcome.

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