Foundation Independent University

AFELMA is added to ATECOS, the new tool of the professionals of the construction in the search of the improvement energetics The Association of Spanish Manufacturers of Lanas Minerales Aislantes (AFELMA) is added to ATECOS, the platform online developed by Foundation Surroundings-BCSD Spain, the Foundation Independent University of Madrid (FUAM) and, that will advise to the professionals the sector of the construction to adapt to the new model of growth based on the efficiency energetics. For it ATECOS ( will count on intelligent finders of last generation with which to operate the first and more complete data base of knowledge around the improvement energetics of the buildings. Architects, foremen, engineers, constructors, promoters, real estate agents, managing power and administrators of property will even be able to find administrative information on the new legal requirements, procedures, fiscal incentives or subsidys available; and to be abreast of different currents from opinion, the new constructive techniques, tools of calculation and design, and products and services available in the market. Until the moment, the platform counts on the sponsorship of 14 Spanish companies and 5 mass media, besides the collaboration of 9 enterprise organizations and the support of the Environment and Ministry of Public Works and the Economy, Rural and Marine Means. With their incorporation, AFELMA will be able to transmit their technical opinions, knowledge and experience and to obtain that all the interested have the information necessary to be able to advance in the power saving of the sector of the construction. The organizations who integrate Platform ATECOS are: Promotional organizations: Foundation Spain Surroundings-BCSD, Foundation Independent University of Madrid and Sponsoring companies: It drives, Cemex, Daikin, ENDESA, Financier and Miner, Natural Gas Fenosa, Holcim, Knauf Insulation, OHL, Lafarge, Lutron, Rockwool, Solvay and Ursa-Uralita. Means sponsoring:, Editorial the Installer, Future Habitat, Urban Works and Editions Cement. Institutional supports: Ministry of Public Works and the Economy and Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Means Collaborating organizations: Association of Companies of Efficiency Energetics (A3e), Association of Spanish Manufacturers of Lanas Minerales Aislantes (AFELMA), Association of Companies of Integral Maintenance and Servicios Energticos (AMI), BREEAM Spain (breeam is), National Confederation of Installers and Mantenedores (CNI), Spanish Association of Brick Manufacturers and Arcilla Roofing tiles Cocida (HISPALYT), Hotel Technical Institute (ITH), Valencian Institute of Edificacin (IVE) and Grouping of Cement Manufacturers of Spain (OFICEMEN) Foundation Spain Surroundings-BCSD: Foundation Surroundings Spanish Enterprise Advice for the Sustainable Development (FE-BCSD Spain) is a private organization to the service of the companies that wish to reinforce their commitment with the development sustainable..

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