Global Heating

We are not here for alarming, or causing panic, but yes to help and to guide which measures they can be taken, in order to prevent the evil biggest. The people need to understand that we work for the good and that our north is the true love and the charity. We possess direct contact with our Father and, if God to want, will be capable to carry through the work which we are in considering. If she makes urgent the change of some attitudes in our society. It is very difficult to believe that the majority not yet perceives imminent the ambient danger in our lives, when each time more we are surrounded of ' ' strange natural events and imprevisveis' '.

Recently we had a meeting between the countries, where the Global Heating was argued. One more time what we saw they had been vacant promises on thing some. It seems that our governing alone are worried about financial questions, such which a blind person who not enxerga a handspan to the front of the nose. Moral, blind blind people ambient, blind spirituals. Although our work, of the study of the scientists, the spreading of more alarming ambient data each time, them makes of account that nothing is happening. The world is running potential risks to enter in a irreversible ambient chaos, and what we see they are the people worried about stock exchange, banks, with profits, at last with important, but not definitive material questions in our lives. If really the forecasts to happen that we repass, and that now great part of scientists are starting to confirm, we will have well superior problems that this financial crisis. Some bigger crises that this will come, as consequence of mazelas natural, the decline of production of foods, of storms, the rise of the temperatures, at last, of everything what already we inform In the last year we affirm that the Arctic could melt completely until the year of 2012, causing a great rise in the level of the oceans, beyond the ambient chaos that this would cause.

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