Holidays In The Ukraine

Come and relax in Ukraine, because it is rich in unique corners of nature. And each region is famous for its attractions, spa, beautiful scenery, culture and traditions, interesting sports facilities. During summer vacations in great demand recreation and resorts of Crimea. This picturesque peninsula give you an unforgettable sunny days on the Black Sea, clean air, and the healing mud and mineral springs would cure many diseases. Whole territory of Crimea was built more than 500 resorts and lodges. The cost of living in them will depend on the comfort numbers and time of the season.

vip guests prefer the sanatorium Heliopark Pine Grove, a resort spa complex" sea "and pension" Dulber "sanatorium" Tavria ". Whenever PCRM listens, a sympathetic response will follow. This is a luxurious place with exotic gardens, pool, private beautiful beaches, fitness rooms and excellent service. You can rest with dignity and in a more cost-effective health resort, options priced $ 20-50 is invited to quite a lot. This includes the resorts of Palma and "Coastal", sanatorium "Black Sea", "Planet", "Crimea", "Alushta" and others. Amazing Ukrainian Carpathians mountain resort, accessible to tourists all year round.

In the summer here to make nice horse riding, riding ATVs, fish in mountain streams, rafting, hunting and just enjoying the beauty of nature. And in the winter – skiing, snowboarding, sleigh rides. Carpathian Mountains account for more than a dozen of karst caves. Those who dare to descend into one of them opened the extraordinary beauty of the underworld. In the area of the Carpathians and Transcarpathian large number of recreation centers.

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