
According to credited sources, they exist around 80,000 companies certified according to ISO 9001 in Spain. That without counting many of them they have that it implanted without to have obtained the certification, makes see the interest us that provokes between the industralists take refuging in this norm. Almost all the industralists are conscious that in a competitive market and like now also in crisis, the differentiation is an important point at the time of making business and of obtaining a positive result in order year. A form to be different itself from the rest is to add to value to our product or service by means of the voluntary implantation of a system of certifiable quality that demonstrates before our clients and suppliers that our company applies to methods of control and continuous improvement to its products and/or services. To that aspect we must add that applying the directives of noema ISO 9001, also we are going to obtain a substantial improvement in our methods of work obtaining in the majority of the cases a reduction in our benefit or production costs of services. But this it is subject in that we are not going to enter, since the objective of this article is to orient to the companies that are immersed in the implantation or to which they in the future think next the implantation of a quality system, as can be helped externally during the phase of implantation. Nowadays several aspects exist to consider when to undertake this implantation.

The fundamental ones are: A Have knowledge sufficient to only do it I? If he has the sufficient knowledge, can undertake the project by itself, on the contrary, he will require external aid. B I have the human resources to do it? He is fundamental to designate a person to realise this work. It thinks who but is adapted for it or even if you are same.

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