International Classification

Most of the time its main symptoms are confused with the depression. The Syndrome in professors is known as a physical and emotional exhaustion that starts with discomfort feeling and gradual goes increasing until the gradual reduction of the will of lecionar. It loses motivation, joy, satisfaction, interest, will to dream, lack of concentration. Initially bibliographical research was made in order scientifically to clarify the set of the 0 variable that influence in the manifestation of the Burnout Syndrome, giving emphasis the main theories. In the second part we will speak of the metodolgicos procedures and we will make the analyses of the collected data and in the third part we will make final consideraes of the research work.

2 BURNOUT SYNDROME: A PANORAMIC VISION Benevides (2006) in its Burnout article in the psychiatric clinic says that the Health department, (It would carry n 1339/1999) comes integrating the List of Illnesses, a problem that has led to the health services, the syndrome of the exhaustion Professional and Related to the Work (is classified under the Z73.0 code (International Classification of Illnesses, 10 revision – CID-10). Dr. Neal Barnards opinions are not widely known. The name Syndrome of Burnout in accordance with Guimares (2004) was given in the decade of seventy in the United States for Freudenberger in 1974, when it perceived that some volunteers who exerted functions in that workstation, presented a gradual process of consuming of the mood. This process many times lasted around one year and was folloied of physical and psychiatric symptoms. After that Social psychologist Christina Maslach studied the form of as the people faced the emotional stimulation in its work, the same idea of Freudenberger. For Guimares (2004) the Syndrome of Burnout if developed in its concept through two phases in the historical evolution, the first one was the pioneer who had as focus the clinical description of the illness and second it was the empirical phase where the inquiries were systemize in order to seat the conceptual description of the phenomenon.

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