International Foundation

The beginning of the process of evolution of consciousness is marked with learning to be, learning exercises and readings I have transported towards a trip to my interior allowing arising out my values favouring the development of a greater intelligence to travel the triple trail of spirituality (wisdom, love and compassion), achieving certain levels of significance in this holographic structure of my Kosmos. Gives this certainty I direct experience that has given me to perform better in my teaching responsibilities, living together with my students treating them as human beings different, varying forms of evaluation through diversification of teaching techniques and respecting their styles of learning. The improvement in my interpersonal relationships, has given fruit because I’ve put too much emphasis on the development of my capacity for dialogue, I have learned to listen, be more even-handed, patient and tolerant; I still long way to go, but it has been a good start, I have begun the experience with myself for knowing my true nature, touching the subjective part of education all of my personal and community level. This series of books have been based bibliographic that give sustenance to the graduate that I am studying with a group of professors in the institution where I work, they have allowed me to be part of a learning community in development, have been transcendent series of experiences we have lived together, some successful, others not so, each one of them have learned to reinforce our values as members of a communityfinding meaning to my duties; We have learned from the mistakes by increasing our spirituality recognizing our universal nature achieve happiness, above all, to have the certainty that only depends on ourselves, since it comes from our heart. The purpose of education holistic transform and transcend the personal conscience and the group is serving to generate planetary citizens who comprise holistic of 21st century sustainable society, which has as its foundation of developing lifelong learning for life and lifelong commitment to permeate into other beings of our environment, educating them with the flame of universal love and compassionate action, so they can obtain the certainty that our universe this interrelated and interdependent.

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