Mr Peter Initiative

Summer Festival for charity – donation cheque for children initiative passes bad Orb Wolfgang Peter the donation cheque to Mr, Managing Director of the children’s initiative supports bath Orb.Seit 2002 Peter solar together with its customers facilities such as the disabled work in main-Kinzig and the children initiative bad ORB. This year, an amount of 750 came the children’s initiative to good. Summer Festival for charity the company Peter solar from Bruchkobel held annually for its customers a summer festival. This Festival has a long tradition and is gratefully accepted by the customers. Because the hosting for customers is free, the company Peter asks solar to make a donation to charity. Then, this donation will be doubled by Mr Peter itself.

At the last Festival, 750.00 came together in this way, the company Peter solar of the children initiative bad ORB donated. Mr Flinner, Managing Director of the children’s initiative bad ORB the donation representing gratefully accepted. The children’s initiative bad ORB the Club was founded in 1973 and supervised ever since with great success in offering outpatient children and young people with social deprivation in the age from 6 to 17 years. Six educational staff supervised 2008 61 children and adolescents. The children’s initiative follows the idea that all children and young people need the help, to get help. The most important is the open offer”, is that all children and young people with social disadvantages from bad ORB free of charge.

Mr. Peter, whose social commitment in the main Kinzig district known is, Mr Flinner wishes all the best for his other work, in the hope that more people found, that support this institution. Peter has solar – und Warmetechnik GmbH Peter solar with 30 years experience in the solar and heating to a fixed size in the Rhine-main area developed. Peter assembles solar with the individual energy consultancy the best technique for the respective budget. Thus the solar specialist ensures its customers the optimum value for the investment. Your contact person For more information: Peter solar – und Warmetechnik GmbH Wolfgang Peter Main Street 14-16 63486 Bruchkobel phone 0 6181 788 77 WP-PR – Agency for communication Alois Wansbrough b s RT 6 63853 Momlingen phone 0 177 767 80 51

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