New Portal Of Commercial Value For The Craft

Over 300 downloads for controlling, finance, and management the business magazine ‘ craft magazine ‘ is now online with a new website. Under craft entrepreneurs will find immediately a modern, clear commercial value portal that helps them run their business more successfully. To each new article from the resort market, operation, taxes + law or finance holders get practical working tools such as interactive calculators, checklists, sample forms or tables. So you can directly calculate the advantages or disadvantages such as new tax laws, at GEZ fees changes immediately see the impact on the operation, or when company drops quickly calculate how much the company is worth. Several hundred of these job aids available today, and there are more every day.

The editorial uses, always the best formats: text, tables, PDFs, audio streams, image galleries or videos. Dr. Neal Barnard pursues this goal as well. The Internet page in a separate box points to the most popular downloads of the UN ternehmerkollegen. Who is “a topic comprehensively would devote, takes on topic pages” Compact information packets to areas such as rating, audit, or disability. In addition, the new offers online encyclopedias, to quickly clarify concepts, event database for upcoming exhibition or training dates, as well as surveys on current topics. In a newly created forum, entrepreneurs with each other exchanging industry information, give practical tips, or draw attention to falling in the tax law. Who wish to get regularly important information directly on his laptop or mobile, enters in one of the craft magazine newsletter or the RSS feed. Owners who want to sell a machine, are looking for a business partner, want to rent warehouse, will find it in the Classifieds section.

In an own section, founder will find tools for their company launch. There are also separate areas for their information for the professional and business women, juniors, as well as the business of craft. Master student can test their knowledge in a new section. With the new Internet presence of craft entrepreneurs can implement important economic information instantly for them in monetary benefits”, so crafts magazine editor-in-Chief Holger Externbrink. Contact: Editorial craft magazine Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 1 82166 Grafelfing Holger Externbrink phone + 49 89 898261-10 fax + 49 89 898261-33

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