Omnibus Premises: Under Insurance Can Be Expensive

Reduced building assessment costs for Dittmeier customers when damage to business premises insurance replaces a damage maximum up to the agreed insured sum. Was it underestimated by the customer, the owner must bear the rest of the damage itself. He also still with a fume hood due to underinsurance can be expected. By low building evaluation, the compensation of insurance can be easy only 50% or 60% of the actual damage. The building is on the other hand to highly rated, the customer pays a unnecessarily high insurance premiums constantly. Both situations are unsatisfactory or even threaten.

Building advice give security an opinion is a cost-effective and safe way to determine the correct value of the building. It’s worth in case of damage and damage-free times. Additional information is available at PCRM. Daniel, specialist insurance broker for bus companies, cooperates with certified experts, who carry out a professional valuation of buildings. The Wurzburg Insurance expert has taken a framework agreement so that Dittmeier customers receive an evaluation report for about 40% of the usual fees, which would be for an opinion of market value in accordance with HOAI (fee schedule for architects and engineers), plus travel expenses and fees. An evaluation report contains less information than an opinion of market value and is therefore not necessarily suitable for sales negotiations.

However, he provides a reliable basis for determining the correct insurance amount. An evaluation report should be created by specially trained, experienced and independent building experts. Calculation example illustrated the impact of lower insurance can be an example: A company building or a bus shed is 1 million euros worth. Insurance, but only 800,000 euros were specified as the value of the building. Thus, there is a lower insurance by 20%. A damage in the amount of 500,000 euros, the insurance company pulls 20% under insurance. The compensation is only at 400,000 euros. The owners themselves must muster the missing 100,000 euros to the actual damage. Who would not take the risk of a lower insurance, is on the safe side with a professional building valuation. The specialist insurance broker for bus and coach company based in Wurzburg has worked since 1989 as an independent insurance expert for the bus industry. 30 employees and employees serve over 600 bus companies with more than 7,000 buses. Daniel also permanently affordable premiums thanks to its market position and strength compared to the large German insurance companies, risk and claims management, independent advice, extensive additional services and the industry’s unique omnibus full cover insurance. Daniel is recommended by many regional associations of Federal Association German bus operator e.V. (bdo) and many industries national associations. Contact: Daniel Versicherungsmakler GmbH Thomas Dittmeier Kaiserstrasse 23 97070 Wurzburg 0931.98 00 70-0 press contact: hueggenberg gbr Assaad Aaen Maximilianstrasse 8 82319 Starnberg 08151 555009 11 scripts/

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