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In the mineralized areas, it becomes description of gossans and the zones of leaching, supergnico enrichment, and alteration indicating paragnses mineral of each zone and the characteristic elements of the one of the body. 3.6.AMOSTRAGEM SYSTEMATIC OF OUTCROPS In the outcrops of the mineralized zones, becomes a sampling of canal throughout all outcrop. The sampling sections are spaced in the maximum of 2 in 2 meters one of the other, located perpendicularly to the counted ones to the contacts of the deposit and must cover all its apparent thickness. After the withdrawal of the samples, each one of them duly is packed, identified and envoy for microscopical chemical and/or petrogrfica analysis. 3.7.ABERTURA OF HOLLOWINGS In the places of invisible contacts where the identification is very important, is opened wells and/or trenches aiming at to the measurement of these contacts. The localization of a well or trench depends on the convenience of each place, but in the generality, it can be of perpendicular the parallel to the waited direction of the body in this place. 3.8.EXECUO OF SOUNDING IN the ORE BODY On the basis of the knowledge of the outcrops of the mineralized zones and in characteristic the structural elements of the geologic body, becomes it location of the punctures of sounding lead in the vertices of a mesh, aiming at to intercept such body, in depth.

The total metragem to be perforateed and the consequent number of punctures are limited to the budget of the project elaborated in the Plan of Research presenting to the DNPM in the act of the Petition of the Authorization of Research. The sounding if of the one for rotating, percussiva or rotopercussiva sounding lead, in function of the type of material that if has in the area (modified, alone rock s, sediments). The recouped certifications or materials are conditioned in adequate containers to each type and at one another moment, described structural and petrograficamente and in many cases, half of these is submitted to some another type of assay and/or analysis.

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