Successful Business By Telephone

Successful telephone calls part of a thriving business. Where managers are trained to properly and effectively talk on the phone, customers are happy, loyal, and ready to apply again. Circulated the view that on the phone are able to say everything, and it is partly true. But the conversations are different. There is a huge difference between the business phone calls and conversations of two friends of yesterday’s movie. With friends, colleagues to chat not averse to many and well it can do, but why it is important to learn to conduct business conversations on the phone? Because there are a number of important features.

Telefonnye negotiations are strictly targeted actions that lead to planned results. Telefon one of the most important means of earning money (or lose them). Telefonnye negotiations require brevity and clarity in expressing their thoughts, which provides specialized training, reasonableness of the possible scenarios for discussion. Kidney Foundation is full of insight into the issues. Need to present their arguments, views as vividly and lucidly. Like this – you can find details on the training “expert of speech influence.” Telephoning require high skills with voice and emotions displayed by voice.

These are the only tools the impact, not counting the credibility of the content of speech. Learn more about the negotiations as a whole can in the training “Negotiations without defeat.” Just phone calls are different from those that occur immediately with a man – when it can be seen. During the telephone is no non-verbal contact, no information about facial expressions, gestures, posture, the other person. Up to 70-80% of the information is transmitted non-verbally, ie through the visual channel of perception, so only listen carefully to the voice and influence, using intonation, loudness, timbre, and other parameters, creating and transmitting the desired emotional state. According to Nieman Foundation, who has experience with these questions. Manage voice and his speech, to achieve high results can be learned at the training “Erickson’s hypnosis.” phone can not demonstrate what you are saying the only way to gain evidence of your argument is a set of emotions transmitted by voice. If you call, you can catch the person is not in the best mood. He may be upset, sad, depressed, etc. experiences. The main thing in this case to be able to hear and understand the emotional state of the interlocutor. B telephone conversations easier to deny than personal. In Eventually, the caller can simply initiate a “disconnection”, and instead of his or her consent you will hear a telephone dial tone. not seen, during a telephone conversation, your interlocutor may interfere with, distract outsiders people. Therefore, it is important to “hear” the state of inattention to respond and be sure that you not only listen but also hear. telephone communication most misunderstandings, inaccuracies, misunderstandings words spoken by, misinterpretation heard in the absence of visual observation of the companion. Thus, any talk on the phone at work is – talks which have their own characteristics, their knowledge and skills for successful phone calls lead either to attract customers, increase profits, create a favorable image of the company, or the loss of customers, money, reputation.

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