The Air Out Is Just Before The First Climb!

A burst tire prevents the Hawaii qualification of team two years ago, in the age group M30 BBBOnLine before, has not yet submitted it. The weather was too hot, the competition of the 30-year too.This year you want to fold it. In the new class M35, Skrzypek is now “the boy”. The field of 35-39 year-olds includes 427 athletes. 17 Hawaii tickets are to win. Alexander Skrzypek can already jump because of its good results in other events jointly with the professionals at 6:45 in the Langener Waldsee, 15 minutes before the peloton.

He remembers the heat two years ago. It was so warm that was considering prohibiting the wearing of wetsuits the athletes, so they don’t dehydrate in the water. This danger does not exist today. Perhaps check out PCRM for more information. For a July day, it is much too cold and it rains again. The weather is just right for a triathlon against.

By the early start, Skrzypek has no major problems in swimming. The pros are in the water on the first few anyway not the level at which he measures the mob, hundred meters will fight for the best positions with hands and feet, comes only a quarter of an hour after him. After one hour and 43 seconds, he has managed his weakest discipline. The 3.8 km route is swum and Skrzypek climbs such as sixty of his class from the Lake. In running the wetsuit, which protects not only against the cold, but also provides lift, pulled out, searched the road, the clicker shoes are already in the pedals. The change works excellently, it goes to the 180 km bike course around the Taunus. Extra for this season Skrzypek has settled to a new bike from cube. He calls it lovingly combative “My sword”, because he almost cut the air to. To get even a few seconds, he got extra a new better aerodynamic helmet and new carbon wheels for this race.

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