Which PC For Seniors?

Excerpt from a discussion forum ComputerBase: Hi, I need for an older man once a compilation of a PC. This would thus in Internet pictures, maybe some office looking at, and that’s it. This includes some fundamental questions: 1. is preferable to buying new or ebay? 2. are complete systems area where cheaper or a self compiled system 3 would suggest you which system. It should be reasonably quiet and perhaps more energy saving. 4.

you have a tip for a flat screen (for old people but a lower resolution would have to be almost better, because here from the beginning, everything seems bigger) “reply: we have themselves still a Pentium 500-go-to – foot computer at home are available with 32 bitgraka.” With Windows XP can ned really surf the Internet, because it takes forever until a page is built on images! not at all, not to mention… Urghs and while until the times finally drives up and even start Office 2003… etc! Makes no fun at all with that thing. For this reason, my father has then also n Dell Complete system brought”more and more people ask these or similar questions and search for solutions. Some acquaintances and family members for advice, others do it through the dealers. One thing is certain: each year a (proud) billion euro for consumer goods are issued in Germany, every second buyer is over 50.

Also for hard – and software, consulting and services related to the PC, the so-called generation 50 + like to spends money. But some seemingly tailor-made offer is usually not the needs and demands of the target group. In 2006 a computer offered for the first time specifically a desktop PC manufacturer for people over 50. This desktop system is intended especially for computer beginners with low previous knowledge and includes a comprehensive service therefore fully configured PC. However, this could not provide euphoria in the target group. This can have two causes. First of all, the explicit designation can senior”lead to negative reaction on the part of the targeted customers. the 50 + Group remains very heterogeneous regarding the PC experience: in this age range are people who have no experience with PC systems have made as well as those that can be described as PC professionals. The study, conducted by the competence center technology diversity – equality of opportunity is interesting in this context: the majority of 1120 respondents put emphasis on user friendliness, service and technical advice. Especially the appropriate speech and a reliable advice is important for potential buyers of desktop PCs in the 50 + group. Also the most 50 + needed-user not supercomputers: you want not with obsolete hardware, but on the other hand also does not necessarily need a high end device. So the requirements are now that PC manufacturers and dealer are required.

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