Automobile Club

What Russian does not like to drive fast? It seems that this rhetorical question is still asked Gogol? And if you drive fast, then, of course, the music (just not at the one in his time listening to Gogol)! Loud music obsession worsens reaction as the driver, who listens to it while driving, and pedestrians who stopped his ears ear of the player and completely "absorbed" into a musical nirvana at the transition. Indeed, listening to music, especially loud, people focus their attention on her, and not on what is happening around them. Conducted by scientists experiments have shown that listening to music while driving reduces the response by 20%. This is very dangerous. Do the math yourself: if your reaction time to brake in the normal state of 1.0 seconds, then 20% – is 0.2 seconds. And 0.2 seconds – is the extra 4.44 m at 80 km / h. Royal Automobile Club (RAC) in the uk has conducted studies and concluded that probability map for red light to loud music is doubled. Continue to learn more with: Nieman Lab. According to the rac executive director Edmund King, loud music is not only inconvenience others, but also may lead to Accidents.

" In Canada, scientists have gone further. The essence of their experiment is that the Volunteers to perform various tasks under different levels of noise – from 53 to 95 dB. 53 dB correspond to normal operating conditions, such as an office, and 95 dB – the level of noise on an oil rig. As the volume of the reaction of volunteers decreased, while in the performance of both physical and mental problems. In addition, the reaction affects not only the volume but also the rhythm of the music. Probability of an accident increases if you hear a rhythmic, aggressive music. or more info. The style of music does not play a special role: it all depends on the punches (music) per minute. If the speed of a musical composition exceeds 60 beats per minute, the man rises heart rate and blood pressure, which in turn reduces the reaction.

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