Success And Happiness

Here are reviews of prisoners to prove it: "This is not my first success in life, but that success was not just a business or personal life … it is – in my success relationship with the world, my first success on the road to happiness! I would like to express my gratitude to all people engaged in the program Criminon. thanks to you, people gain confidence in myself, I liked it and helped to more clearly the whole reality of what is happening around me, "Way to Happiness" – a modern code of moral values. I realized that every person can change their lives for the better, and I did it, passing part of the program "The Road to Happiness. " … I began to better understand themselves – and with it came an understanding of others. I am glad that I came across this pamphlet, which to me was engaged in discreet "teacher" Anastasia. And I am willing to patiently bear the same simple rules for people and apply them to life itself, thank you, people! SI "" I'll start with the preface: I do not always have the "white and fluffy!" I turned off with the track, on which not even go and rolled – I think all readers will understand where a person can rolled – because an immoral life, ignoring and violating: the law, social norms, rules and traditions of human communication.

… Throughout the entire section of the program Criminon "The Way to Happiness" (This Way, the road along which I walk today) – I realized the meaning of many things, the values of many words and expressions, and statements of definitions, which had no particular significance attached, there was a positive in regards to love. … Now I'm on the Road to Happiness independently, using their knowledge, information, believes that now once lost myself, feeling of responsibility, self-esteem and moral values, not only returned but are actively and energetically embodied in my life. My new life. Sincerely, a graduate of the section "The Way to Happiness", P.S.YU. "Criminon welcomes volunteers who want to improve the lives of others and create a safer society. "Happiness and misery of your friends care about you …

And while no one can guarantee the happiness of another, it is nevertheless possible to increase its chances of survival and happy life. But at the same time will increase and your chances. In your power to point the way to a safer and more happy life "- L. Ron Hubbard. For information, contact: 8926154 55 54 or write to us at:

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