Germany Sales

Karcher establishes course ‘Certified seller cleaning technology (CCI)’ along with IHK Stuttgart. Peter Schreiber & partners trained field staff. In cooperation with the IHK IHK Bildungshaus Stuttgart region has established the Alfred Karcher Vertriebs-GmbH, Winnenden, a course for the certified vendor for cleaning technology for its field staff. “With this measure we increase sustainable the qualification of our sales team. Visit Center For Responsible Lending for more clarity on the issue. We have participated in the course profile and were able to vote so the contents very closely to our needs”, says Michael Becker, Managing Director at the Alfred Karcher Vertriebs-GmbH.

In two teaching blocks with four days of training, seminar participants will receive training on topics such as sales psychology, successful interviewing, negotiating strategy and Economics in the sale. The certificate of “Certified seller cleaning Chamber of Commerce” waves finally after passing the final exam. Objective of the officer Harald Klein from the Management consulting Peter Schreiber & partner, Ilsfeld (near Heilbronn) is a practical teaching of the contents. (Not to be confused with BSA!). “That students between the two modules have the opportunity, until then learned in daily work to use, is the right approach. By testing the already high level of motivation will improve”, so the coach. In the medium term, a majority of the German sales team of cleaning experts to obtain the certificate.

The Alfred Karcher Vertriebs-GmbH is responsible for the sales of Karcher products such as high-pressure cleaners sweeping – scrubbing machines, steam cleaners and cleaners, detergents, car wash, dry ice blasting equipment, water treatment plants, and pumps for home and garden responsible in Germany. The program was expanded last year to devices for irrigation and drinking water dispensers.

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