Blossoms Of Fire In The Dortmund Westfalen Park

“Fireworks Festival Star magic fascinating highlight puts blossoms of fire, waterfalls of silver spark, weeping willows, whose glittering Blatter which cascade across the sky that everything be the spectators at the Fireworks Festival Star magic” can marvel at the Westfalen Park. On September 19th, three professional pyrotechnicians ignite their artworks among the expectant eyes of park visitors and jurors. 9,000 fully enthusiastic spectators saw last September at the star magic”in the Hoeschpark to. A great success, we still want to beat this year”, says Organizer Gerhard Gollner the energy music publisher. Because Gabrielle is expecting more visitors than before, the Fireworks Festival attracts star magic”by the Hoeschpark in the Westfalenpark.

He offers best conditions for the pyrotechnic events. Newly added is an epicurean Cateringmeile, as well as a varied programme that best maintains the viewers from 19: 00 until the onset of darkness. Followed by the brilliant Moment: Stunning works of ground fire and missiles with fantastic rain of fire are sent with elaborate computer technology after months elaborate choreographies in the night sky. Any Funke must fit to the music. A jury that best succeeds in which pyrotechnicians, decides at the end. Three artists have time to win the jury and audience for 20 minutes. Viewers will see how vary the pyrotechnicians their Fireworks. “” Each is an individual work of art, that captivates the audience for themselves “, describes the particular emotional atmosphere at the Fireworks Gerhard Gollner Festival Star magic”. Fireworks Festival Star magic in the Westfalenpark Dortmund: 19.9.2009 intake: 18: 00 start programme: 19: 00 entrance: Presale: standing bib 8.00 plus presale fee, seat 16,00 plus presale fee; AK: Standing 12,00, seat 24.00; Children up to 12 years have free entry in the General admission area!

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