Single Route

Though it refers to food, but within this classification is written in gear. This also can be attributed, and a sleeping bag, if he Single. Sometimes used in multi-seat sleeping. Then they belong to the group gear. There also write: 1) map and compass (this is – if we know where we go. Unless we know we can not take:)) 2) tent 3) ax 4) saw (a very convenient chain) 5) Boilers (pots) and campfire accessories, it is useful to take a bottle of Fairy or something similar, and a sponge for washing dishes and ladle – and how without it, dear? 6) first-aid kit 7) remnabor 8) matches and means for ignition fire.

If a campaign is planned in the raw time of the year or at the treeless terrain, it will take gas stove or kerosene stove gasoline with the fuel. Food. If we’re going to march on populated area, then with a sense to take only those products that can not be purchased on the route. For example, high-quality canned meat. One archaeologist from the advertising did not bring a good stew, and bought on the way horrible. Therefore, his shirt and smelled of antiquity. Worse, if we’re going to nenaselenke. Then we’ll just count all the diet and buy before the start of the route.

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