Tag: los-productores


Did you know that you have a genius of creativity living inside you, but you’ve chained him to a life in the darkness that you cannot let him leave? Yes, as in the story of Aladdin and his magic lamp you would only have to rub the lamp and there, against you, would your genius to grant all the wishes you both fool (well, almost all!) If you don’t believe it possible, then think twice: inside you there is a genius, and creative, in this article, I’ll tell you what to do to let it leave, how to rub the magic lamp using NLP. Some time ago that Fernando had been thinking that it was enough, that he had to quit smoking once and for all. Although each day was more difficult (socially speaking) smoking, had more desire to do it every day. I knew that I was poisoning her body little by little that earlier this month made the decision, gathered courage, and stopped smoking for 7 days. A whole week! It was quite an achievement, something that He had never obtained before. However, before a family setback (a discussion with his wife for financial matters), Fernando failed to keep the initial enthusiasm, and returned to the deadly habit. You can ask yourself what have to do with being more creative, to release my inner genius? Creativity has to do with everything that you do in your life, because, when you learn to be more creative / or to release tied genius who lives within you, find solutions that not even you would have thought of before.

For example, Fernando would have discovered 101 ways to handle his frustration, rather than going back to smoking. Being creative you can maintain throughout the year a positive attitude, living with enthusiasm all the time. Many times I queried by similar themes: Sofia, me is very difficult to maintain the initial enthusiasm and continue delivering the energy that requires such which project (or decision, or task) or have no creativity, and need it in my work (or my partner, or with my) children) the solution is not one that most creative o: you again when you do, you learn to get the juice from each experience and find many different ways to achieve unique solutions! You realize everything you could have done in your life using creativity, lateral thinking and, above all, of what you can achieve in the future! It is as if you put a new chip in the brain: learn to see life more colorful, more optimistically! Try it in you, and you’ll see that what I say could not be more true! What is creativity? (creativity definition) Good question!