The Responsibility

The education of History is complex and to the professor the responsibility fits to develop a learning that can contribute for the formation of the critical and reflective thought. The challenge of the professor today ahead of all modernity has been bigger, therefore it needs to diversify the sources used during the lessons. (FONSECA, 2003). In the space in classroom according to SCHIMIDT (2002) he is that professors and pupils stop strike, where the professor he becomes the explicit historical knowledge and he takes the possibility of guide of knowing and at the same time open to the problems and opinions to them of its pupils. He is in the lesson that the professor by means of the knowledge that he possesss, can offer to the pupils the appropriation of knowing existing descriptions to them through activities. The classroom is not only one space of transmission of information, but yes of relation of the interlocutors who construct sensible. To teach is not only to transfer knowledge, but to give to the pupils the possibility to construct such knowledge. (FREIRE, 1996).

The professor brings the contents, however it is not enough that they are only these taught exactly that taught well. It must have the connection with the reality lived social human being and. It is necessary that the pupils if recognize in the ideas and attitudes that the professor showed to them. (CAPORALINI, 1991). In accordance with PINSKY, the professor do not have to be abided only by the ways of production oppression, even so basic: ' ' but it must even so show that thanks to the culture of us men, members of the society we have had talent stops dressing in them more adequately than the bears, constructing to better houses that the Joo-of-adobe, to fight with more efficiency the tiger, to each one of us human beings, has come to the world unprovided of for and thick diligent peaks or claws poderosas.' ' (PINSKY, 2005 p.20).

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