The Visionaries

He who makes the destruction, as it is known as guru of darkness. Since 2001 the HKSAR accepts it in its dictionary, so you already don’t write him with italics, but round letter with regard to the Gurus, Ramiro calle says, many certainly are those who say to be elected, but very few who are. Many say true gurus, but how many are true?. Certainly drew Street, it is very difficult to find a guru authentic than a needle in a haystack, much more difficult to find than which a camel can pass through the eye of a needle. There have always been, unscrupulous, mistagogos, pseudomaestros, false aposteles, prophets of nothing to prophesy, forwarders and charlatans on the basis of spirituality, assumptions Juarez (supercheros, insane others). Certainly in all epochs and in all latitudes have emerged which are passed by Buddhas, by crisitcos, by great initiates, by connoisseurs of truths, men who can reveal only to his disciples. But at this time, as in any other that we know, proliferate the teachers of the spirit, men messengers of God, the Holy people, the founders of spiritual movements of all kinds, religious leaders, the visionaries, the perpetuadotes of the more ascentral and elevated wisdom, the rishis (sages) and mahatmas (great souls), jivanmuktas (freed from life) and gurus. But, question Street how many deserve to be taken by such? many of them have passed really ignorance and illusion? How many have managed to clean eyes of Maya dust?, does few are those who behave as such, exemplify his teaching with their own behaviour, aman if useless abstractions that contain only words?, many are the accessible, the honest, the pure in heart?, few that provide a real help, which have a useful education, who know firsthand truthsthat not only fill the mouth of words like serenity and detachment, but that they are truly serene and unattached.

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