Understanding Hemophilia

To begin with a few words about the illness. Hemophilia – a hereditary disease associated with coagulation disorders (blood clotting process). Patients having bleeding into joints, muscles and internal organs, both spontaneous and due to injury or surgical intervention, and therefore a greater risk for hemophilia human death from bleeding in the brain and other vital organs, even with minor injuries. Although the disease to date incurable, its flow is controlled by injecting the missing clotting factor.

But – herein lies the main problem of people with hemophilia – a drug with such a factor (for example, “Imunat”) too expensive and so people can not afford to use it to prevent disease development (in the month a person must spend on the drug about 12 thousand USD), but use only in emergency situations. In the works hemophiliacs. – It was transmitted by inheritance from his grandfather, who thanks to his measured way of life lived to age 90. When I was little, I would just like the other guys run, jump, play outdoor games. Once, he fell from a tree, I was very injured, and then the problems started, and I walked more than half his life on crutches. Also, I was tormented by a severe pain that can not take any painkillers drugs, except the expensive factor. So I understand the guys with hemophilia and their parents know how they have to limit myself … We have decided at least on this day – 17 April – to bring into their lives that they can not afford allow for the high risk – said Sergey Shemet. That same day, Dnipropetrovsk branch of the All-Ukrainian Society of hemophilia with the bike club held a charity for sick children in the region.

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