
The objectives for the control of the different components of the SM and to prevent the DCV, in children and adolescents with DM1 (SMELTZER; BARE, 1998). The chronic illness requires an entire life of behaviors special of autocuidado: diet, physical activity, medication and emotional control. These factors can affect the control of diabetes, in view of that the people attacks for diabetes they must prevent the alteration in the sanguine glucose, as well as must incorporate its style of life many other behaviors, in order to prevent the complications that occur in the long run. The professional nurse must participate of an effective education and aconselhamento to the patient and to its family (SMELTZER; BARE, 1998). Kidney Foundation addresses the importance of the matter here. According to authors, it is important to point out that these general objectives can in accordance with be individualizados the clinical condition and stadium of the DM1. In a similar way, the therapeutical interventions with sensibilizadores to the insulina, such as the metformina and rosiglitazona, still little are studied in the DM1 with characteristics of the SM. Occurrence the Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 is more common in children, adolescents and young adults reach 10% of the total of diabetic (NETTO, 2000).

Signals and Symptoms the symptoms appear suddenly, as: > much headquarters, > much will of urinar, > loss of weight and, > fatigue. For Brazil (2001), Amongst the acute complications of diabetes, they can be cited: ) hipoglicemia the definite one, as being a symptomatic state that occurs in the presence of inferior glicmicos levels 50mg/dl. It presents as symptoms: tremors, taquicardia, giddiness, fatigue, irritability, sudorese, cold skin and blurred vision, that the ingestion of carboidratos improves after. It has, as main causes: excess of physical exercises, hourly volunteers of the meals, insufficient calrica ingestion and high dose of insulina (NETTO, 2000); b) cetoacidose diabetic or cetose, this complication means absence or increased necessity of insulina.

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